Carter's fault?
Dear Editor,
I feel compelled to write in answer to Cliff Lord's article of April 8. How dare Ben Nelson find fault with our faultless one?
Actually, I am glad Ben finally mustered enough nerve to stop pretending to be a conservative, in order to keep the Republican vote. I, for one, agree with Ben.
As I remember it, we had a hefty surplus when he left office. Maybe Johanns isn't as sharp as some would like to think, or he picked some advisors that aren't too good at estimating future tax revenues.
It's probably all Jimmy Carter's fault, as someone a month or so ago told us that all our troubles dated back to Carter, and his boycott of the Olympics.
I don't think Ben was showing partisan politics, he was just telling it like it is. Believe it or not, Cliff, in this country you can disagree with anyone in our government, even Republicans and not be unpatriotic, as our present leader would have us believe.
Hope this enlightens you somewhat.
Bob Thayer,