Keep the Handibus
Dear Editor:
From what I am reading and hearing there is a move afoot to discontinue the Handi-Bus service that so many of our senior, handicapped, disadvantaged,and other citizens who are unable to drive rely on for their week-day transportation. The idea of discontinuing this service is not, in my opinion, in the best interests of the City of McCook and its citizens.
Granted it does not pay it's own way and probably never will. I do believe that it is possible for the service to do a better job of self financing. Sue Chipman, Director of the Heritage Senior Center, has recommended that the fare be increased from 50 cents for a one way trip to $1.00 for a one way trip. This may not sound like much to most of us but it is a considerable amount for a good number of the handi-bus users.. For purposes of illustration let's assume that many of the users have an income of about $500.00 per month or $6,000.00 per year. Figuring that they use the bus for one round trip daily, 5 days a week all year, for a total cost of $520.00. That is equal to 8.7% of their annual income. Using the local taxi for the same number of trips as at least one councilman has suggested comes out to $1560.00 or 26% of their annual income. The taxi option would, for all practical purposes, prevent many of our senior, handicapped, and others from having a social life as they do now, which is primarily at the Senior Center, and in some instances keep them from having their one nutritious hot meal a day, and literally cause them to become virtually house bound. When a person is isolated in that fashion we all know what begins to happen at a very rapid pace, vegetation. Not too good, I really do not believe that any of us want those adverse things to happen to anyone. This is particularly true in this situation which could be resolved to the satisfaction of all if we really get with it and do some innovative thinking about ways to save that thirty some odd thousand dollars.. There is no reason to think that it could not be done. The Senior Center's Director's idea is a good one. It enforces the idea that those who use the service must accept some of the responsibility for keeping it operating. That is only fair because it is tax dollars from all levels that pay the majority of the operating costs. Given the opportunity the community could come up with a solution for those that just cannot pay any more than they are paying now for daily transportation.
By the way one of the city council members reminded me that the only population group in McCook that is growing just happens to be the senior citizens. Those who are making the decisions today may just be seniors tomorrow.
It has been mentioned that the handi-bus is in competition with the local taxi company. I really doubt that is the case. Most every place I have lived public transportation and private taxi companies co-existed just fine. Each had its own clientele and every one got along quite well. That probably is the case in McCook.
There comes a time when fiscal decisions must be made using rationale other than just dollars. I truly believe this is one of those times. If the United Fund could possibly help with this project I, for one, would not hesitate to pony up some extra dollars for the fund. How about you?
Thanks for your time, Robert Hite McCook