New readers
Dear Editor,
Your article ("Expert pins hopes on El Niņo rains" by Gloria Masoner, Monday, July 29) was delightful reading.
I just had to write to you to congratulate you on such a fine newspaper.
We visited your lovely town for two weeks and was fortunate enough to be there when you had your first big downpour of rain week before last ... How delightful it was, too.
After my visit, I went online to see if I could find your newspaper, and I did!
Now every day, the news of McCook and the state of Nebraska will be required reading.
I will tell you we all fell in love with your town and folks there. The hospitality and friendliness will long be remembered.
My grandchildren and myself visited with my daughter and husband. We are far away from you in miles, but will remain close with lovely memories.
Mary Lou Pelley
Parkersburg, W.V.