
FMS Supports

Monday, September 23, 2002

Dear Editor:

We look healthy. People are often disturbed by the fact, that we park, in the handicap parking spaces.   

Doctors are often mystified and suspicious of our symptoms. We are lucky when we find a doctor, who is educated, competent, compassionate, and up-to-date, on the mysterious, invisible disease, called Fibromyalgia Syndrome.(FMS) We suffer with chronic, severe pain, that invades our bodies, with a never-ending, twenty-four hour, seven day a week, series of spasming muscle pain, that radiates through our bones, muscles, and connective-tissue. It causes weakness, intense fatigue, sleeplessness, stomach problems, confusion, depression, and that is just the beginning. The list goes on and on.

FMS is a neurotransmitter disorder,which sends pain messages to the brain that are intensified.

Our muscles sometimes take months to heal, even from the slightest bit of physical exertion.

If you are lucky enough to find a good rheumatologist, they can make an accurate diagnosis, by eliminating other diseases, and finding your tender points.

There is no cure for FMS, but it can be controlled with a good rheumatologist, who will work with your primary care doctor, to help relieve the symptoms of FMS so that you can live a life, relatively free of pain.

There is an online support group system at: fibrohugs.com They offer an abundance of help and support, also, numerous health related articles, and a loving family that will assist you, with locating doctors, info on medications, symptoms, treatments, and current up-dates on any new information, in regards to this dreaded and often, misunderstood disease.

If you are interested in starting a support group, in the McCook area, please call (308)364-2889 or e-mail at mailto:twister_long@yahoo.com

Chris Long

Indianola, NE 69034

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