
Conference is a success

Monday, November 25, 2002

Well here it is the third annual Families are Special Conference last weekend and what  a success it was. I attended that conference and I saw more men this year than I ever have, and that is good. It shows me that some fathers are getting more interested in family unity than they use to.

So here is a big "thank you" to Mary Bargen,and her staff, Luis Vargas, Kim Johnson, Kardie Esch, and Mary Kay Warner and of course Kathy Haas. The conference was an overall success with the students of the high school providing the lunch meal. The McCook High School was so neat and clean looking. I also want to thank the girl scout troop that volunteered their  time to do the day care at the Memorial United Methodist Church,and the four restaurants that helped with the food, which were McDonalds, Wendys, Runza and Arbys and a donation from Walmart which was very nice. All of the speakers, of course, did a very good job for taking the time to conduct the classes they gave.

Tim Peterson, who gave the opening introduction also deserves a pat on the back.

McCook Parents need to wake up and realize how important our families are and we need more than just this conference that comes once a year. We need to stay connected with each other and Jesus Christ.

In closing I would like to say thank you.

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