Placzek, Barger
Monday, December 9, 2002
Rich and Tonya Placzek of McCook announce the engagement of their daughter, Tyra Aynette, to Scott Andrew Barger, son of James and Cathy Barger of Culbertson. Grandparents of the couple are Jan and Gene Mahon of McCook, Clarence and Delta Placzek of Loup City, the late Gary Shepherd, Don and Dorothy Barger of Culbertson and Lowell and Elizabeth Colling of Trenton. The bride-to-be is a student at the University of Nebraska in Kearney majoring in neo-natal nursing. The prospective bridegroom is a student at Southeast Community College in Lincoln majoring in microcomputer technology. He is employed with Wells Fargo Bank in Lincoln. The couple is planning a Jan. 4, 2003, ceremony at the Evangelical Free Church in McCook.