Third grader wins handwriting championship

Monday, April 28, 2003

Alan Goodenberger has the best handwriting for any third-grader in the state.

Alan, a third grader at St. Patrick School in McCook, is the state champion for the third grade in a national handwriting contest sponsored by textbook publisher, Zaner-Bloser Educational Publishers.

Alan's handwriting was judged best among all other students in the third grade in Nebraska.

He will now go on to compete with third grade champions from all other states for the title of National Champion and could then continue onto the title of Grand National Champion for all grades 1-8.

Now in its 13th year, the contest was established by Zaner-Bloser to emphasize the importance of developing good handwriting skills. "Studies have shown that students who write legibly score higher on proficiency tests and actually produce better compositions," according to Georganna Harvey, product manager for Zaner-Bloser.

Alan will receive a framed award certificate during a presentation May 7 at 10 a.m. at St. Pat's.

Alan, along with his teacher, Linda Brewster, and principal Ellen Griffin will receive classically designed pens. And the school will receive a gift certificate for Zaner-Bloser materials, the leading publisher of handwriting materials.

National grade level champions each will receive a $500 U.S. savings bond and other gifts with a total value of more than $1,000.

The entire third grade class submitted samples for the contest, with Alan coming away with the top prize. Brewster said she was proud of Goodengerber and glad he won this year, especially since she had a student finish as a runner-up last year.

Alan is the son of Paul and Marlene Goodenberger of McCook.

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