46-mile garage sale?
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Yard sale enthusiasts will find a "Trail of Treasures" stretching 46 miles -- from Wellfleet to Eustis -- Saturday, June 7.
Participating residences in Wellfleet, Maywood, Curtis, Moorefield, Farnam and Eustis will be marked with balloons and identified on an official map.
For more information, contact: Della Dixon in Wellfleet, (308) 963-4405; Nancy Evans in Maywood, (308) 362-4299; Linda Werkmeister in Curtis, (308) 367-4122; Jody Kotschwar in Moorefield, (308) 367-4567; Ellen Oller in Farnam (308) 569-2384; or Judy Brockmeier in Eustis, (308) 486-5600. The deadline for inclusion on the official map is Friday, May 30.