Bison girls blast to big home-opening dual win (High School Sports ~ 03/25/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook’s first home tennis dual of 2022 had everything from bulldogs eyeing poodles to free sloppy joes to meatballs hit a little beyond the boundaries of success. Yet through it all, the host Bison girls really were cookin’ as they scored an 8-1 dual win over North Platte... -
Post, Randazzo wedding (Wedding ~ 03/25/22)
LINCOLN, Neb. — Rebecca Post of McCook, Neb., and Bradford Randazzo of Lincoln were united in marriage Sept. 25, 2021, at Robber’s Cave in Lincoln with Edward Vanderplow officiating. Parents of the bride are Steve and Brigitta Post of McCook. Grandparents are Mary Post of Palisade, Neb., and the late Verle Post and the late Otto and Gertrude Potthoff... -
1917: weddings, war and an epidemic
(Column ~ 03/25/22)
1917 was no year to write home about for most. The Spanish Flu epidemic was knocking at the door and WWI loomed but four couples in the McCook area celebrated milestones that not many achieved back in those days. All of these came from 1917 issues of the McCook Tribune and clippings are available at the SWNGS library or you can read them online at www.swngs.org...
Facility on firm financial footing
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/25/22)
Dear Editor, We’re writing to allay any concerns that may exist in the community regarding our financial health. Based on recent inquiries we have received, there apparently is some misinformation circulating in the public following our recent town hall meeting...
Latest and best from McCook YMCA basketball
(Community Sports ~ 03/25/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — Tuesday night’s scores and the latest McCook YMCA Adult League Basketball standings as this 10-team competition bounces along. Co-Ed League Dunkin’ Doughnuts 58, McCook 99ers 49 Parental Ballers 67, The Goonies 31 Standings Dun. Doughnuts 4-0...
MCC golf returns, currently third at tournament
(College Sports ~ 03/25/22)
LAMAR, Colo. – The Eastern Wyoming golf team leads the Region IX field after the return to the season Thursday. The Lancers opened spring play with a one-under 279 to lead Northeastern Junior College by four shots. MCC is in third place 15 shots back of the leaders...
Plainswomen sweep Indians on pair of walk-off wins (College Sports ~ 03/25/22)
STERLING, Colo. – The Northeastern Junior College softball team remained unbeaten in Region IX play taking a pair of games Thursday from McCook Community College. NJC won both games in the bottom of the seventh innings winning the first game 6-5 and taking the second game 5-4... -
Reigning state champ Chase starts strong at P.C.
(High School Sports ~ 03/25/22)
GRANT, Neb. — The reigning Class C state champion Chase County Longhorns rounded up several championships at Thursday’s season-opening Perkins County Track-Field Triangular. Top three laces for those Chase girls as they also competed against the Potter-Dix Coyotes...
McCook JV girls win 31-1 over Bulldogs (High School Sports ~ 03/25/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook High’s JV girls went 31-1 against North Platte in doubles matches on the Bison courts Thursday. The super season debut featured a dozen 6-0 sweeps of their northern Class A foes. Freshmen Roslyn Wiemers and Brooklyn Gillen scored two 6-0 victories as Bison teams of senior Grace Hoyt/junior Harper Stevens and senior Karragan Shaw/sophomore Olivia Eschliman... -
McCook 'Y' swimmers reach bests at regional (Community Sports ~ 03/25/22)
DES MOINES - The YMCA youth swim team wrapped up its 2021-22 season this past weekend at the YMCA’s North Central Regional Swim Meet in Des Moines. With the regional meet required qualifying times, seven McCook swimmers posted qualifying times in at least one event throughout the regular 21-22 swim season... -
Major purchases, expenses on county agenda Monday
(Local News ~ 03/25/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — Creation of a new court position and major purchases and expenditures are on the agenda for Monday’s meeting of the Red Willow County Commissioners. Meeting at 9 a.m. in the commissioners' room at the courthouse, the board will hear from 11th Judicial District Judge Patrick Heng about creating a bailiff position as the next agenda item, 9:15 a.m...
Education bills in the Legislature
(Column ~ 03/25/22)
One of the committees that I’ve served on for the past four years is the Education Committee. In this legislative session the Education Committee has heard a multitude of bills addressing a wide variety of topics. This week I would like to discuss several bills that I anticipate will be debated in the remaining days of this year’s session...
Kathleen Jean Steadman (Obituary ~ 03/25/22)
Stories from Friday, March 25, 2022
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