Rollover accident (Local News ~ 12/30/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- First responders were called to a rollover accident south of McCook about 2:40 p.m., where two people were reportedly trapped in the vehicle. More information will be released when it becomes available. The westbound pickup truck left the road about a half-mile east of U.S. 83 on Road 710 south of McCook... -
Troopers respond to over 200 weather-related incidents
(State News ~ 12/30/20)
LINCOLN, Neb. — Troopers with the Nebraska State Patrol were busy throughout the state Tuesday as a large winter storm dropped several inches of snow across much of Nebraska. Since the time the storm began late Monday, troopers have responded to more than 200 weather-related incidents...
Knights of Columbus continue many charitable activities despite pandemic (Local News ~ 12/30/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The pandemic has put the brakes on many activities of the local Knights of Columbus, but the chapter is still able to help where help is needed through projects such as the Lucky Irish Calendar. That includes a school bus for St. Patrick School purchased through proceeds of the 2020 calendar and, over three years of sales, a new, safe, fun playground for the students including new playground equipment and protective ground cover...
Stories from Wednesday, December 30, 2020
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