Bison blasting through first week of football (Community Sports ~ 08/12/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Quarterback Mark Arp runs the option though some McCook Bison defensive linemen are aiming to disrupt this play during Wednesday morning's football team practice at McCook High School. The Bison are busy with 72 players starting preparation for their 2020 season. Fans can see them in a pre-season scrimmage at Weiland Field on Saturday. More details will appear on an upcoming Gazette sports page... -
School board amends last year's lunch budget
(Local News ~ 08/12/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Board of Education approved the amended current 2019-20 budget at its regular meeting Monday. The amended budget reflects the expenses/revenue of state and federal dollars used to coordinate free meals at the school from March and through the end of June of this year...
Giving credit where credit is due
(Column ~ 08/12/20)
By the time this week’s article is published the Legislature will be wrapping up the 2020 session. And everyone will be able to sleep easier! All of us senators, the lobbyists, and especially the taxpayers. I hope I do not jinx LB 1107 by saying it was passed by the Legislature as I am writing this on Monday. ...
DHHS urges catch up on child immunizations, and all Nebraskans to get flu vaccine once its available
(State News ~ 08/12/20)
LINCOLN, Neb. – August is National Immunization Awareness Month and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is urging Nebraska families to catch up on childhood immunizations, and all Nebraskans to plan on getting flu vaccine this fall...
MCC offers classes to meet EMT demand (Local News ~ 08/12/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- They’re the frontline workers – the first to respond when someone is injured or sick. They take control of emergency situations, provide immediate care, calm fears and often block the door between life and death. With the ongoing pandemic, emergency medical technicians are needed more than ever. Many communities rely on volunteer EMTs to work with fire and emergency service departments in their areas...
Stories from Wednesday, August 12, 2020
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