McCook pool champs to take on the 'world' (Community Sports ~ 06/19/19)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — Two pool teams from McCook will advance to the American Poolplayers Association (APA) 8-Ball World Pool Championship in Las Vegas after winning the Western Nebraska APA 8-Ball World Qualifier held recently at North Platte’s Eagles Club... -
McCook playing home games tonight!
(Community Sports ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Legion baseball officials have just confirmed the Juniors-Seniors doubleheader with Lexington will be played today at McCook's Jaycees Complex. The First Central Bank Juniors (6-8 record) have first pitch set for 5:30 p.m. The McCook National Bank Seniors (9-8) follow against Lexington beginning around 8 p.m...
Mary Etta Thompson (Obituary ~ 06/19/19)
Mary Etta Thompson Feb. 12, 1928 - June 15, 2019 NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — Mary Etta Thompson, 91, of Curtis, Neb., died Saturday (June 15, 2019), at Great Plains Health. She was born Feb. 12, 1928, at Curtis to Bert and Ethel Mae (Wills) Willford. She graduated from the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture High School in 1948... -
Tax valuation protest deadline June 30
(Local News ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Red Willow County property owners have until June 30 to file a protest of the tax valuation on their agricultural land, commercial and/or residential properties. County commissioners, who also act as the county's board of equalization, said at their weekly meeting Monday morning they have had 10 protests filed since notices of valuation changes were mailed earlier this month...
Fire Chief Harpham starts his 30th year with City of McCook (Local News ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Every kid wants to be a policeman or fire fighter when they grow up. “I just never outgrew that,” said McCook City Fire Chief Marc Harpham. City of McCook Utilities director Jesse Dutcher told the McCook City Council Monday night at the regular meeting that as of Tuesday, Harpham started his 30th year as a paid member of the McCook City Fire Department... -
Flags, ballfields draw Council Comments
(Local News ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — The city’s ball parks and flags along Norris Avenue were cited by two members of the McCook City Council Monday night. At the end of the regular meeting, during “Council Comments,” Mayor Mike Gonzales commented that it’s not been “the best weather” for staff at ballfields because of the amount of precipitation the area has been experiencing...
Shhh! Don't tell kids they're attending summer school (Local News ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — What kids used to think as a punishment is now being seen as a treat: summer school. At least, summer school at Central Elementary. That’s because it’s no longer just a remedial class getting kids caught up to grade level, said Joel Bednar, Central principal. It was difficult to get kids signed up for summer remedial classes, he said, so they tried something a little different this year... -
Mobile Pantry set June 22 in McCook
(Local News ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Coordinators of Mobile Pantry events in Hitchcock and Red Willow counties encourage particularly the elderly to shop at the Mobile event in McCook, Saturday, June 22, from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., in the parking lot of Memorial United Methodist Church at the corner of East First and E Street...
Pinpoint Holdings Inc. sells Accipiter Communications
(Local News ~ 06/19/19)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. --Pinpoint Holdings, Inc. (Pinpoint), announced today it has reached a definitive agreement to sell Accipiter Communications (d/b/a Zona Communications—Zona) of Peoria, Ariz., to Wyyerd Group (Wyyerd), for an undisclosed amount. The sale of Zona Communications is the latest strategic transaction by Pinpoint as it continues its approach of acquiring undervalued companies...
Four sentenced in Red Willow County District Court
(Local News ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Sentencings in Red Willow County District Court in May and June included: Gregory s. Murdie, 45, of North Platte, theft/shoplifting of property valued at $1,000-$5,000, a Class IV felony, sentenced to 360 days in Red Willow County Jail, credited for 185 days; nine months post-release supervision ordered...
App applies power of networking to reduce food waste
(Editorial ~ 06/19/19)
Plunk down $6 at a fast-food restaurant, and you you may get a small burger, fries and drink, but you’re also paying for something else. Two dollars of your bill went to pay for that burger that spent too long in the warmer or those fries that went stale and wound up in the trash...
Indian moving on to new diamonds
(College Sports ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Community College infielder Angel Mojica of Denver has signed on to play baseball this fall with NAIA Waldorf University in Forest City, Iowa. “I’m happy for Angel. This is a really good program and I think he has the chance to make a big impact right away,” “ MCC baseball coach Jon Olsen said...
Force flattens a pair of Kansas foes (Community Sports ~ 06/19/19)
The McCook Force 14-and-under softball girls took their talents to Kansas where they delivered two more dominant wins on Saturday. Norton Steelerz couldn’t sneak a run across against pitcher Isabel Raburn, who pitched a one-hit shutout in McCook’s 8-0 opener... -
Technology inspires MCC move from worst to first (College Sports ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Thanks to new technology and a new approach when it comes to developing pitchers, the McCook Community College pitching staff ended the 2019 season as the top pitching staff in Region IX. While it is sometimes difficult to compare one year’s pitching staff to another, coaches believe a shift in the fall season objectives and incorporating state-of-the art analytics -- keyed by technology -- has made a difference... -
'Borders War' tourney schedule all set (Community Sports ~ 06/19/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — The complete schedule has been obtained for this weekend’s “Borders War” Legion baseball tournament at McCook’s Jaycees Complex. The round-robin tourney covers three states spanning from Lincoln to Brush, Colo. Previous games published Tuesday have been changed...
Stories from Wednesday, June 19, 2019
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