MNB Seniors reach back to split with Hays (Community Sports ~ 06/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Ol’ Mo-mentum from a 29-2 high school season changed jerseys far too quickly for the Hays, Kan., Legion baseball team Tuesday night. Especially since the McCook National Bank Seniors adopted one “slight” strategy change following the 10-0 game one defeat... -
Yankees draft MCC alum in third round (College Sports ~ 06/05/19)
McCOOK , Neb. — McCook Community College graduate Jake Sanford was drafted by the New York Yankees in the third round Tuesday of the MLB draft, just one year after taking his last at bats for the Indians. The 21-year-old former MCC walk-on from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, was the 105th player taken in this year’s draft... -
Growing hemp will require jumping through many hoops
(Editorial ~ 06/05/19)
Now that commercial hemp production has been blessed by the federal and state governments, it’s time find out how much of a market there really is. Most of the attention goes to CBD or hemp oil as a health aid for humans or animals, but the crop has a wide range of other uses, from textiles, food and beverages, paper, automotive, construction materials, furniture and many others...
Burdean M. Melchert (Obituary ~ 06/05/19)
Burdean M. Melchert Dec. 16, 1937 - June 3, 2019 BENKELMAN, Neb. — Burdean M. Melchert was born to Harold and Sophia (Kircher) Geihsler on Dec. 16, 1937, in Hayes Center, Neb. She grew up in McCook, Neb., and graduated from McCook High School in 1955... -
James “Jim” W. Leisure Jr.
(Obituary ~ 06/05/19)
James “Jim” W. Leisure Jr. McCOOK, Neb. — James “Jim” W. Leisure Jr., 74, of McCook, died Sunday (June 2, 2019), at the Beaver City Manor in Beaver City, Neb. Memorial services are Monday, June 10, 2019, 11 a.m. CT at the United Methodist Church in Bird City, Kan., with the Rev. Kevin Dixson officiating. Inurnment will follow in the Bird City Cemetery...
Cardinals rock Royals, Sox win at Felling (Community Sports ~ 06/05/19)
FELLING FIELD — Cason Waugh shut down First Central Bank Royals, throwing a complete game shutout and leading Carpenter Breland Funeral Home Cardinals to a 15-0 victory on Tuesday. The Cardinals secured the victory thanks to eight runs in the fourth inning. Contributing to the explosiion were Isaiah Crayton, Josiah Wilkinson nd Bryson Gullion who all drove home runs... -
Bison alum runs NCAA nationals this week (College Sports ~ 06/05/19)
McCook High alum/former all-class gold state champ Molly Sughroue will be running at the NCAA Outdoor Championships in Austin, Texas, this week. According to availalbe info, Molly runs the 1500 “semifinal” on Thursday with a goal to reach Saturday’s national finals... -
McCook delegation shares story at #WeaveThePeople event in Washington (Local News ~ 06/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. - Sometimes it takes stepping back and seeing your community as an outsider to really appreciate all that you have. That was one of the major themes that Matt Sehnert and Ronda Graff came away with after their recent attendance at the inaugural #WeaveThePeople conference in Washington, D.C... -
Recruitment firm ready to begin work
(Local News ~ 06/05/19)
lorri sughroue Associate Editor McCOOK, Neb. — With recruiting new businesses identified as top priority, the McCook Economic Development Corp. has hired a company to help with that. The MEDC board signed a one-year, $30,000 contract with the firm, Retail Strategies, to help lure businesses to McCook, according to the March 31 Second Quarter report of the McCook Growth Fund (LB840)...
'Show What You Ride' bike show Saturday
(Local News ~ 06/05/19)
HUGH BUTLER LAKE, Neb. — The Tribesmen MC plans its "Show What You Ride" bike show Saturday from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m., at the Lighthouse Marina on Hugh Butler Lake . An entry fee of $12 includes lunch, provided by Prokops' Smokin' BBQ. It's $5 for each additional bike, and $9 for lunch without an entry fee. A lake day pass will be required...
City leases old safety center to non-profit
(Local News ~ 06/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Family Resource Center is getting a new lease on life, literally. In April, Family Resource Center director Kathy Haas told the council the center was losing its current location at a church, due to the church being sold. She asked if the council would consider renting out a portion of the former McCook Safety Center at 526 West B, for the center to use...
Balancing acts (Local News ~ 06/05/19)
Carson & Barnes Circus performers exhibit their well-honed balancing skills during a near-capacity first performance Tuesday at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds. McCook Optimists hosted the event in support of their youth activities. -
State-requested changes made to Ravenswood Road grant document
(Local News ~ 06/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Agreements with the state concerning a grant to help repair Ravenswood Road were approved Monday night, but only after language changes sought by the state were included. City manager Nate Schneider pulled for discussion from the consent agenda the State of Nebraska, Department of Transportation and City of McCook Economic Opportunity Program Agreement and another, the City of McCook and Next Generation Inc., Economic Opportunity Agreement. ...
State announces new Medicaid rates for nursing homes
(State News ~ 06/05/19)
LINCOLN, Neb. – The Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care (MLTC) has completed the annual Medicaid rebasing of nursing facility rates for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2020 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020). State regulations (471 NAC Chapter 12) require MLTC to rebase Medicaid payment rates annually. The nursing facility payment rates were communicated to all Nebraska nursing homes on June 5, 2019 and are effective July 1, 2019...
Betty M. Woodruff (Obituary ~ 06/05/19)
Carol Jean Lashley (Obituary ~ 06/05/19)
Stories from Wednesday, June 5, 2019
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