McCook Rebels rule state tourney again (Community Sports ~ 06/22/18)
HASTINGS, Neb. — It makes perfect sense the McCook Rebels Pink softball team didn’t take any easy path to their newest state championship on Sunday. “One of the things special about these girls is their work ethic,” coach Chase Beeby proclaimed. “Even when they playing two or more other sports, they’re always finding time to get out there and take their hacks.”... -
A week in Arkansas
(Column ~ 06/22/18)
RUSSELLVILLE, Arkansas — As promised, I didn't fly Boutique Airlines when I decided to come to Arkansas for Father's Day. Since my last malady with them, I have heard negative stories from other people about the service with all the problems originating in Denver. This obviously isn't fair to local Boutique employees who are doing nothing wrong but one of the assurances we have is that when you fly out of a place, you'll be able to fly back in. That's often not the case with Boutique...
This migrant life
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/22/18)
Quote from the President of the United States as it appeared in the NYTs on June 21, 2018, "He said the trek through Mexico from Central America was like a walk through Central Park in New York City. 'Mexico is doing nothing for us except taking our money and giving us drugs,' he said."...
Fresh faces on Chamber board (Local News ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Incoming board members Terri Skolout, Lori Beeby and Jaime Sauder sat in on the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting earlier this week, as the trio prepares to receive voting powers beginning with next month’s meeting... -
Donald Melvin Smith (Obituary ~ 06/22/18)
Donald Melvin Smith Aug. 5, 1927 - March 26, 2018 McCOOK, Neb. — Donald Melvin Smith, age 90, passed away Monday, March 26, 2018, at Community Hospital in McCook. Donald was born at Fort Morgan, Colo., to parents, Patrick M. and Catherine A. (Chandler) Smith on Aug. 5, 1927. The family later moved to a ranch north of Haigler, Neb., where Donald also attended a small country school... -
Blake Allen Lavery
(Obituary ~ 06/22/18)
Blake Allen Lavery Sept. 15, 1965 - June 11, 2018 COLUMBUS, Neb. — Blake Allen Lavery, 52, of Columbus, died June 11, 2018, at the University Nebraska Medical Center. He was born in Lexington, Neb., to Murl and Bethine (Blakeslee) Lavery on Sept. 15, 1965. He attended school in Sumner, Neb., and Wauneta, Neb. He graduated from Wauneta High School. He worked on the farm and for other farmers. Blake worked at IBP at Lexington and BD in Holdrege and Columbus...
Mitnik, Wagner engagement (Engagement ~ 06/22/18)
Mitnik, Wagner Patricia Lahoma Mitnik and Chandler Todd Wagner of McCook announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Tammy and Bill Moore of McCook and Jim and Michelle Mitnik of Colorado Springs, Colo. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Annette and Chris Wagner of McCook... -
Colson anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/22/18)
60th anniversary Marvin and Charlene Colson of Bartley, Neb., will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on June 29, 2018. Their family is requesting a card shower to celebrate their special day. Cards of congratulations will reach them at Box 31, Bartley, NE 69020... -
Buhr birth (Births ~ 06/22/18)
Barrett Kurtis Buhr Bryce and Amanda Buhr of McCook announce the birth of their son, Barrett Kurtis Buhr, born May 2, 2018, in McCook. He weighed 7 pounds, 13.6 ounces and measured 21 inches long. Grandparents are Kevin and Ann Fornoff of Hayes Center, Neb., and Brian and Connie Buhr of McCook. Great-grandparents are Phillip and Marilyn Fornoff of Hayes Center, Eva Hofman of McCook and the late Dale Hofman and Orville Magill of Craig, Neb... -
Haag birth (Births ~ 06/22/18)
Sterling Jacob Haag Kaitlin Haag and Buck Haag of Bartley, Neb., announce the birth of their son, Sterling Jacob Haag, born June 11, 2018, at Hastings, Neb. He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 21.5 inches long. He has two sisters, Grace and Caroline. Grandparents are Vicki League of McCook, Neb., and Gayle and Elaine Haag of Bartley. Great-grandparent is Bettye Pursley of Benkelman, Neb... -
Adoption and DNA featured at Genealogy Exposition in Oct.
(Column ~ 06/22/18)
Last week we made a quick trip out to Colorado and I got to spend time with my aunt and uncle, Stan and Erna Martin. We had a grand time, laughed a lot and reminisced about when my uncle moved to McCook from Oxford, working for the C B & Q Railroad. ...
Phillies stay unbeaten, Cubs win to start Majors tourney (Community Sports ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The undefefeated Carpenter Breland Funeral Home Phillies grabbed an early lead on its way to an 8-2 victory over the High Plains Podiatry Orioles in Thursday’s Major League tournament Thursdya evneing The Phillies (11-0 record) scored on a single by Cole Graham and a groundout by Jackson Siegfried in the first inning... -
Tournament schedules at Felling
(Community Sports ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Both Majors and Minors League baseball tournaments continue at Felling Field. Here are the latest updates: MAJORS Tuesday Game 4: Royais vs. H & H Installation, 5:20 p.m. Game 5: Carpenter-Breland Phillies vs. Sports Shoppe Cubs, 7 p.m...
MNB Seniors shut out area foe Imperial
(Community Sports ~ 06/22/18)
IMPERIAL, Neb. — Seth Dugger’s six shutout innings made sure the McCook National Bank Seniors would not need a repeat of their five-run rally against Imperial two weeks ago. Instead, Dugger and Cameryn Berry allowed only five Imperial hits in the 4-0 MNB road victory Wednesday evening...
TJ's Masters team earns national shot (Community Sports ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — A pool team from TJ’s Family Fun Center in McCook will advance to the American Poolplayers Association (APA) Masters Championship in Las Vegas after winning the Western Nebraska Masters Regional Championship held recently at TJ’s Family Fun Center... -
That smoky smell comes from the city brush pile (Local News ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The brush pile at the City of McCook transfer station smolders and smokes — and smells — after burning started Wednesday morning, with the appropriate burn permit from the Red Willow Western Rural Fire Department. Moisture in the air and not much of a breeze early this morning seemed to trap the smoke — and the acrid smell — in a haze over the city... -
Wireless bison (Local News ~ 06/22/18)
Profitable lemonade stand (Local News ~ 06/22/18)
New faces on chamber board (Local News ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Incoming board members Terri Skolout, Lori Beeby and Jaime Sauder sat in on the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting earlier this week, as the trio prepares to receive voting powers beginning with next month’s meeting... -
Indianola man sentenced to state prison
(Local News ~ 06/22/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — An Indianola man was sentenced to the Nebraska Department of Corrections in Red Willow County District Court on June 4. Benjamin W. Helm, 36, of 511 O Street in Indianola, pleaded guilty in plea agreement to possession of a controlled substance, MDMA, a Class IV felony and sentenced to two years with the Nebraska Department of Corrections and 12 months of post release supervision. ...
Farmers should rejoice
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/22/18)
Congress plans to unveil a second phase of tax cuts by the end of the summer, which would make many of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s benefits permanent. America’s farmers should rejoice. Under the new tax code, the estate- and gift-tax exemption for farm owners passing on land and other assets to their heirs doubled to roughly $11.2 million an individual and $22.4 million per married couple...
Dian E. Parsons (Obituary ~ 06/22/18)
Stories from Friday, June 22, 2018
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