MCC softball sweeps CCC in Wednesday doubleheader (College Sports ~ 03/15/18)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Community College Lady Indian softball team came up with six runs in the bottom of the sixth inning to overcome a 4-3 deficit in game two Wednesday to complete a doubleheader sweep over Central Community College... -
MCC baseball loses extra-inning slugfest with NECC (College Sports ~ 03/15/18)
NORFOLK, Neb – The McCook Community College baseball team scored three run in the eighth and six in the ninth, but it wasn’t enough as Northeast Community College won a 19-18 decision in 10 innings Wednesday... -
Marcile Nelson (Obituary ~ 03/15/18)
Marcile Nelson Dec. 25, 1924 -March 12, 2018 NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — Marcile Nelson, 93, of North Platte, formerly of Curtis, Neb., died March 12, 2018, in North Platte at Linden Court. Elma Marcile Perks was born Dec. 25, 1924, on the family farm three and a half miles southwest of Stockville, Neb., the daughter of Samuel and Elma Belle (Hinton) Perks. ... -
Property tax relief stalling
(Local News ~ 03/15/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — With 16 days left, Nebraska state senators are still struggling to come up with a property tax relief bill. It’s been a challenge getting bills out of committee and onto the floor, said Dist. 44 State Senator Dan Hughes this morning at the McCook Chamber of Commerce Legislative conference call. ...
So many lists
(Column ~ 03/15/18)
Oh my gosh, so many lists!! So many things to do and only a few more months to get it all done!! Ahhh!! With graduation and prom and softball season and taxes and huge end of the year events at work, on top of finishing our kitchen and potentially a bathroom remodel, no wonder I wake up at 5 am and can’t go back to sleep. Like from a dead sleep, wake up and starting reeling off 150 things I need to do that day. That can’t be healthy!...
Humane treatment shouldn't be left at airport terminal
(Editorial ~ 03/15/18)
Flight attendants have a tough job, especially on today’s crowded flights, with unkempt passengers frustrated from delays and TSA indignities, attempting to bring “service animals” like peacocks aboard. And while we’re generally against overregulation, we’re sympathetic with U.S. Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana, who planned to file a bill today to prevent airlines from putting animals in overhead bins...
Spring weather training (Local News ~ 03/15/18)
During a spring storm training session in McCook Wednesday evening, Ryan Husted, right, warning coordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Goodland, Kan., explains the difference between a beaver tail (a jet of wind being pulled into the base of the storm updraft) and a tail cloud (attached directly to the wall cloud), all structures within a supercell thunderstorm that can produce severe weather and tornados. ...
Stories from Thursday, March 15, 2018
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