Helen Ruth Gehring
(Obituary ~ 08/28/15)
Helen Ruth Gehring June 13, 1928 - Aug. 26, 2015 ARAPAHOE, Neb. -- Helen Ruth Gehring, 87, died Wednesday (Aug. 26, 2015), at C.A. Mues Good Samaritan Center in Arapahoe. She was born on the family farm north of Holbrook, Nebraska on June 13, 1928, to Christoph Julius and Alvina Katherine (Walter) Haussler...
Better nutrition for better health program Sept. 23
(Community News ~ 08/28/15)
OBERLIN, Kan. -- An apple a day can help keep aches and pains away. Find out how small changes in your diet can add up to big health benefits during a free nutrition program on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at the Golden Age Center in Oberlin, from 3 to 4 p.m. The event is open to the public...
Upcoming genealogy events
(Column ~ 08/28/15)
How did it get to be the last week of August? My Frontier County article is going to have to wait a week since I looked at the calendar and realized I needed to let you all know about some upcoming classes and events that will be fun for the "beginner" genealogist and interesting enough for even the most experienced of us!...
Howard birth
(Births ~ 08/28/15)
Abram Lucas Howard Ryan and Heather Howard of Lincoln, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son, Abram Lucas Howard, born July 23, 2105, at Bryan East in Lincoln. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 18.75 inches long. He has two sisters, Hailey, 9, and Aubrey, 7. Grandparents are Rick and Betty Michaelsen of McCook, Nebraska, Louise Howard of Fremont, Nebraska, and the late Joe Howard...
Egle anniversary
(Anniversary ~ 08/28/15)
50th anniversary The family of Dennis and Janet Egle of Stratton, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary Saturday, Sept. 5. They were married in 1965 at the United Methodist Church in Wauneta, Nebraska. Their family includes son, Michael and wife, TeAnn Egle of Pinedale, Wyoming, daughter, Jennifer and husband, Justin Krey of Union, Missouri and six grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 72117 Road 350, Stratton, NE 69043...
Hansen anniversary
(Anniversary ~ 08/28/15)
50th anniversary The family of Delbert and Ruth (Sparks) Hansen of Brule, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary on Sept 3. They were married in 1965 in Ogallala, Nebraska. Delbert grew up in Hayes Center, Nebraska and Ruth grew up in Wallace, Nebraska. ...
Lytle, Yelkouni engagement
(Engagement ~ 08/28/15)
Lytle, Yelkouni Tenielle Lytle of Tijuana, Mexico, and Barthelemy Yelkouni of Yako, Burkina Faso West Africa, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Tim and Michelle Lytle of McCook, Nebraska, and JeanBaptist Yelkouni and the late Marie Tebda of Songnaba, Burkina Faso, West Africa...
Douglass, Reeder engagement
(Engagement ~ 08/28/15)
Douglass, Reeder Marissa Ann Douglass and Cory Mitchell Reeder of McCook, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding, Parents of the bride-to-be are Rebecca Douglass of Sarasota, Florida, Don Douglass of Tabor, Iowa, and step-father, Dennis Shannon of McCook. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Russell and Sandra Reeder of Wilsonville, Nebraska...
Wiseman, Jordan engagement
(Engagement ~ 08/28/15)
Wiseman, Jordan Brittney Lynn Wiseman and Randy F. Jordan of Culbertson, Nebraska, announce their marriage and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Jack and Sarah Wiseman of Craig, Colorado. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Randy and Darla Jordan of McCook, Nebraska...
Tips for creating your own healthy, homemade meals
(Weekend Menu ~ 08/28/15)
The start of a new school year means less time to think about dinner. The good news is, with just a little advance planning and these three easy tips, in no time you'll be whipping up wholesome "A+" meals your family will love. Add canned fruits, vegetables, proteins and soups to your back-to-school shopping list. Like home canning, cans seal in foods' natural goodness and nutrition, making hearty, homemade meals simple and delicious...
Honey Bunches of Mess
(Column ~ 08/28/15)
Declan made it through his first week of fourth grade recently and our daily schedule is beginning to settle down after a whirlwind of a summer. He is as much a joy to be around as ever and continues to find new ways set morning-madness standards. Earlier this week he spilled his cereal in what I believe was a mad rush to sneak in some early morning YouTube viewing. ...
Stories from Friday, August 28, 2015
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