Emergency preparedness must include pets
(Editorial ~ 09/16/14)
It's heart-warming to see -- and write -- stories about first responders taking care of family pets once they know the people at the fire or accident are taken care of. But, while the firefighters and paramedics do have soft hearts when it comes to cats and dogs, they know there's more to it than that...
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/16/14)
A current television advertisement follows a discarded plastic milk bottle as it j journeys precariously over a dangerous terrain until it comes to rest at the base of a recycle bin. A passerby leans over, picks up the discarded plastic bottle and deposits it in the recycle bin. In the background a narrator is heard, "Give life to your garbage."...
Ice bucket caution
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/16/14)
The Ice Bucket Challenge is currently the big craze and most of you have probably heard about it and may have already taken the challenge. Those challenged are asked to either dump an ice bucket of cold water over their head or donate to ALS research. Most do both and it has been very successful in raising awareness of ALS which is a good thing. But people should consider where their donations go and how the money is used...
City online payments likely by next week
(Local News ~ 09/16/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The City of McCook is upgrading its credit card system and residents should soon be able to pay their utility bills online, for a fee. City staff is awaiting the arrival of new card reader equipment expected to arrive in the coming days and in time for at least a test of the new system before the end of the week...
Council picks design firm for skatepark (Local News ~ 09/16/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook City Council accepted a recommendation from an advisory committee Monday evening selecting Grindline Skateparks of Seattle, Washington, to design a new city skatepark. Representatives from the Skatepark Design Selection Committee said it was a close decision between the final two candidates but ultimately believed Grindline was best suited for the task. ... -
Couple finds opportunity, contentment in rural lifestyle (Local News ~ 09/16/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The lure of opportunity and wide-open spaces enticed Andrea Severson and her husband Josh Christianson to cross half a continent to locate in Southwest Nebraska. "It's so nice to have space to breathe," the 28-year-old natural resource specialist said... -
Study: NRD worth millions to area economy
(Local News ~ 09/16/14)
CURTIS, Neb. -- The Middle Republican Natural Resources District has contributed $363 million to the area and is responsible for 819 jobs, according to a recent economic impact study. Headquartered in Curtis, the MRNRD is responsible for the protection of the Natural Resources and assists landowners in planning, funding and applying conservation practices...
Our newest second lieutenant (Column ~ 09/16/14)
Meet Second Lieutenant Asher Brooks United States Air Force one of McCook's finest. As your columnist alluded in last week's column Grannie Annie and I were privileged to travel to Maxwell AFB, Alabama to "swear him in" or more properly to administer the oath of office and commit him to commissioned officer duty in the Nebraska Air National Guard and the US Air Force. ... -
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 09/16/14)
Stories from Tuesday, September 16, 2014
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