Pleas reached in raid of former school
(Local News ~ 09/11/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Plea agreements were reached Monday in Red Willow County District Court with two men charged in connection with a law enforcement raid in February of the former Republican Valley School east of McCook. Four people have been charged thus far in connection with three search warrants executed during the operation, with charges against one man dismissed in June and a second sentenced to probation...
New jail ready for operation (Local News ~ 09/11/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The city streets and alley will open up again and traffic will flow freely in the 500 block of McCook's Norris Avenue at about the same time that men and women who have temporarily lost their freedom are locked behind bars in the new Red Willow County jail... -
MCC play recalls 9/11, honors heroes (Local News ~ 09/11/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Few events in our lifetime will resonate like the events that transpired on Sept. 11, 2001 in New York. McCook Fire Chief Marc Harpham worked full-time for the city of McCook Fire Department. His shift at the fire station just ended at 8 a.m. and he was preparing to go to his part-time job as a meter reader for Nebraska Public Power District. Then history unfolded in front of him as he watched the events on television from the fire station... -
Times have changed, but our resolution must not
(Editorial ~ 09/11/14)
We hope you take time to attend tonight's performance of "The Guys," which promises to revive personal memories and emotions all of us felt, even here in mid-America, far from the attacks in New York and Washington. The play will be presented by McCook Community College at 7 p.m. at the Fox Theatre; admission is a free-will donation to the McCook Fire Department...
Ironing blues
(Column ~ 09/11/14)
Ironing clothes.... Why does it take so long? Why does almost everything my family wear need ironing? Even the things that said on the tag, "Wrinkle Free," still need a touch of ironing here and there. It just never ends. And I put it off till I'm down to one skirt that doesn't really fit me and two shirts that are probably out of season as my non-wrinkled outfit options, with the rest of my closet hanging there all bunchy and tacky...
Wilcox Well Drilling spans three generations (Local News ~ 09/11/14)
McCOOK, Nebraska - Every weekday morning at eight o'clock, the eight-member crew gathers at Wilcox Well Drilling's shop and office alongside U.S. Highway 83 south of McCook. Shortly afterwards, armed with assignments, the Wilcox team is on the road, headed to locations in a wide section of Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas to take care of the water well, windmill, pumping and trenching needs of rural residents, farmers, ranchers and oil drillers... -
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 09/11/14)
Stories from Thursday, September 11, 2014
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