C. Dean Weaver (Obituary ~ 11/06/13)
C. Dean Weaver May 7, 1932 - Nov. 4, 2013 BEAVER CITY, Nebraska -- C. Dean Weaver, 81, of Stamford, Nebraska, died Monday (Nov. 4, 2013), at Phelps Memorial Hospital in Holdrege, Nebraska. He was born May 7, 1932, south of Beaver City on the family farm to W. Gail and M. Nellie (Wright) Weaver... -
On the record
(Other Record ~ 11/06/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Local Girl Scout volunteers honored (Community News ~ 11/06/13)
OGALLALA, Nebraska -- Volunteers are the heart and soul of Girl Scouts, the premiere leadership development program in the country. On Oct. 24, Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska held a ceremony to recognize and honor the accomplishments of its adult volunteers in the McCook area. Each recipient was nominated by their peers for exceptional service, and significant contributions to Girl Scouts... -
Nebraska Respite Network celebrates National Family Caregivers Month (Community News ~ 11/06/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Respite Network (Southwest Service Area) is pleased to celebrate National Family Caregivers Month in November. They designated Tuesday, Nov. 5 as a day to celebrate "people who care for others" with a proclamation signing event in Lincoln... -
Warm and well-fed (Local News ~ 11/06/13)
Admission to the annual McCook National Bank Haunted House benefits both the McCook Pantry and the Coat Closet as more than 1,000 people attended, providing numerous coats and clothing items for the Coat Closet and 1,140 pounds of food and a check for $180 for the pantry. ... -
Supporting St. Patrick School (Local News ~ 11/06/13)
Bob, Debi and Tyler Schmick, from left, hand a $1,000 check to Becky Redl, principal of St. Patrick's School and the Rev. Gary Brethour. The donation is the result of $150,000 worth of receipts from Schmick's Market that were saved from June 2012 to May 2013, by students and families at St. Patrick School. The money will be used for needs or projects at the school, Redl said, with previous receipt donations purchasing uniforms for the girls basketball team... -
What so proudly we hailed ... (Local News ~ 11/06/13)
Although the forecast calls for clear, sunny skies on Veterans Day, this shot from Mary Pate of McCook, taken March 10, demonstrates that even if the snow flies, the colors of the flag under which our veterans fought will still inspire heroic defenses of our Republic. ... -
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 11/06/13)
Ricketts touts background on campaign swing
(Local News ~ 11/06/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Nebraska needs a Republican governor who can stand up to overreaching federal mandates, someone who can bring sides together to reach compromise on difficult issues and someone with experience in managing a major business, or so says the man who says he possesses those qualities...
Wall of Fame named for '13 (Local News ~ 11/06/13)
Wall of Fame named for '13 McCOOK, Nebraska -- Recipients of the 2013 Bison Alumni "Wall of Fame" have been announced by selection chair Steve Clapp. They are Barbara Jo (Anderson) Gaskins, Class of 1966, and Don Skoumal, Class of 1960. Barbara (Anderson) Gaskins' nomination letter emphasized her keen interest in people and in helping people, particularly young women. ... -
Spare tires (Local News ~ 11/06/13)
In the wind, rain and occasional snow Tuesday afternoon, Dennis Grafel, driving for H&M Farms of Hitchcock County, side-dumps a load of used tires, and Tim Williams of Cambridge and Furnas County unloads a pickup-load of scrap tires, at McCook's transfer station. ... -
California skydiver, 100, is McCook native
(Local News ~ 11/06/13)
PERRIS, California (AP) -- When Vernon Maynard's friends asked him what he wished he had done in his 100 years of life, the Southern California man said he had always wanted to jump from a plane with a parachute. The retired car dealer got the chance to mark his centenarian birthday Monday by doing just that...
Cottonwood carpet (Local News ~ 11/06/13)
Autumn's wind has laid a patchy, shag carpet of gold and russet cottonwood leaves under the horses in the Cambridge park. -
Technology gives community new meaning
(Editorial ~ 11/06/13)
Remember draggin' main? For a lot of us, it was a Saturday night summertime tradition, something out of American Graffiti, flirting and fighting the way teens have done since the days of the chariot. Pity the young person who lived in a town so small there WAS no main street, envious of city cousins with extensive, though overimagined, social lives...
A new look at community development
(Column ~ 11/06/13)
The former director of one of the state's most philanthropic private foundations has urged Nebraska lawmakers to consider investing in community development as the state becomes more attractive to outsiders. The Legislature created a long-range planning committee four years ago to assist state government in identifying emerging trends, assets and challenges and to look at the long-term implications of decisions made by lawmakers. ...
Halfway through autumn, cruising toward winter
(Column ~ 11/06/13)
We are halfway through autumn and rapidly cruising toward winter. Well, technically the halfway point is today but that is just so much detail. Aside from the typically nasty weather often associated with autumn, there is a good side. The nights are getting longer and the sun is setting earlier giving us more time for stargazing...
Stories from Wednesday, November 6, 2013
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