How much is $1 trillion?
(Column ~ 05/03/13)
A few years ago, it was far more common to discuss budgets and costs of programs in the billions of dollars -- a staggering sum of money. However, after years of government growth it has become increasingly necessary to discuss Washington spending in terms of "trillions" rather than "billions" of dollars...
The Huskers' hero
(Column ~ 05/03/13)
Childhood is a time for growing -- growing bodies, growing minds, and growing hearts. It is a special, brief time given to us by God to live without fear or physical pain, or the burdens of responsibility. For too many children, though, childhood is very different. Many are forced to grow up too quickly and learn hard lessons of courage from the cruel, unyielding teacher of sickness...
Lunch with a Crunch (Weekend Menu ~ 05/03/13)
There was a time when an apple was the last place you would look to experiment with new flavors in the produce section. But today, there are nearly 100 commercial varieties to choose from, each with unique characteristics to tickle your taste buds. One new variety called Opal is grown in Washington and offers a complex flavor that starts sweet and finishes with a slight tang. ... -
Calling means talking? No way!
(Column ~ 05/03/13)
Declan is not a fan of the telephone, nor has he ever been. The interruption a phone conversation provides, from whatever adventure he is currently involved in, is of course a bother, however, the subsequent conversation generally holds little enjoyment for him either...
City Council to discuss housing
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook City Council will consider declaring a pair of local properties as unsafe, receive updates pertaining to recent housing initiatives and begin early discussions to prioritize budget goals for the upcoming year, Monday evening, during the regularly scheduled meeting...
Presidential Citation (Local News ~ 05/03/13)
Sara Larington, center, a McCook, Nebraska, High School senior and president of the MHS Rotary/Interact Club, accepts a 2012-2013 "Presidential Citation" on behalf of the club from McCook Rotary members Kellie Soden, left, and Jessica Bortner. The citation is the only presidential-level award presented to a district Interact Club by Rotary District Governor Dian Edwards. ... -
Tryouts Monday, Wednesday for Fox melodrama
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Fox Theatre Operations and Events Committee is announcing tryouts for its upcoming summer melodrama production of The Pony Expresso or The Villain Came to a Grinding Halt. The tryouts are scheduled for Monday evening, May 6, and Wednesday evening, May 8, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Fox Theatre. There are no young children's parts available, two girls' parts for ages 10 to 14, five women and four men. For more information contact or call 308-340-3298...
Prairie Land Food deadline Monday
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The school year is nearly over, which often means spending more time outdoors. Prairie Land Food can help provide more time to spend outdoors, by offering quick, easy-to-fix meals at a discount. Prairie Land Food offers all families, regardless of income, a variety of nutritious grocery packages to fit any size of family or budget. Larger orders from groups or organizations are also welcome...
Work Ethic Camp all-male, may be expanding
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Nebraska Department of Correctional Services officials are looking at ways to ease prison overcrowding and visited the Work Ethic Camp in McCook Thursday to discuss expansion opportunities. Because housing both genders in the same facility was problematic, female probationers / inmates are no longer at the Work Ethic Camp in McCook. ...
Water bill advances, but future uncertain
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Despite passing the first round last week a bill introduced by Sen. Mark Christensen is not likely to have the impact he had hoped. Sen. Christensen told members of the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce, Thursday morning, that he was still in a difficult position with his priority bill and was uncertain if a middle ground could be reached...
'Patterns of the Prairie' theme for Buffalo Commons
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival will present its annual festival Patterns of the Prairie: A Celebration of Story and Song, May 31 and June 1 at various locations in McCook, Nebraska including the High Plains Museum, the Fox Theatre, the Bieroc Café, Norris Park and the McCook Community College. Details are available at the website www.buffalocommons.org...
Pool party (Local News ~ 05/03/13)
Bill and Alexis Germaine install permanent stripes as part of the new fiberglass lining at the Ed Thomas YMCA swimming pool. The YMCA has to be closed occasionally as fumes build up from the process, but officials expect the pool to be back in service in time for summer activities to begin in two or three weeks... -
Paying for the death of the family
(Editorial ~ 05/03/13)
There's no reason to worry about the demise of the traditional family; it's already dead. According to a report released by the U.S. Census Bureau, 62 percent of women age 20 to 24 who gave birth in the previous 12 months were unmarried. In 2011, 4.1 million women reported that they had given birth in the last year. Of these women, 36 percent were unmarried at the time of the survey, an increase from 2005 when an estimated 31 percent of recent births were to unmarried women...
Music is the doctor of my soul
(Column ~ 05/03/13)
The title of this week's column is a great line from the Doobie Brothers hit, "The Doctor" and it really captures the spirit of so many of us. All of us grew up with music in our souls, whether it was the big band music of Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey and Frank Sinatra from my parent's era, Elvis Presley, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles and Marvin Gaye from my era, disco music from the '70s or hip-hop and rap from the current generation, music touches us all...
Nebraska releases Republican River water after Kansas rejects deal
(Local News ~ 05/03/13)
ALMA, Nebraska -- Water is being released to Kansas from Harlan County Reservoir as part of Nebraska's ongoing efforts to comply with the three-state Republican River Compact. This action came after Kansas ultimately could not agree on a plan that would have allowed Kansas water users access to this water during future irrigation seasons...
Schmitt anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/03/13)
65th anniversary Robert and Lois Schmitt of Grand Island, Nebraska, are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary. They were married May 8, 1948, in Trenton, Nebraska. Their family includes children, Larry Schmitt of Grand Island, Kathryn Viken of Burlington, Colorado, Karen Iverson of Boise, Idaho, Betty Gumm of Menasha, Wisconsin, Brenda Weisen of Popler, Wisconsin, 12 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. ... -
Malleck birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/03/13)
93rd birthday The family of Hazel Malleck of McCook, formerly of Indianola, is requesting a card shower in honor of her 93rd birthday May 10. Her family includes children, Jerry and Gloria Malleck of Indianola, Terry and Paula Malleck of Longmont, Colorado, Rick and Kelly Malleck of Grandbury, Texas, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach her at Hillcrest, 309 W. Ninth, Room 419, McCook, NE 69001... -
On the record
(Other Record ~ 05/03/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
GED graduation ceremony for MPCC set for Tuesday
(Community News ~ 05/03/13)
NORTH PLATTE, Nebraska -- Individuals who have completed their General Educational Development (GED) testing will receive graduation certificates in a ceremony at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, in the McDonald-Belton Theater on the South Campus of North Platte Community College...
Walter, Huffman engagement (Engagement ~ 05/03/13)
Walter, Huffman Olivia Lynn-Marie Walter and John Daniel Huffman, both of Lincoln, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Tim and Brenda Walter of McCook, Nebraska. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are James and Ann Huffman of Muleshoe, Texas... -
George, Rowley engagement (Engagement ~ 05/03/13)
George, Rowley Shawna Lynn George of Sidney, Nebraska and Joshua Rowley of North Platte, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Bill and Brenda George and Dale and Rhonda Meick, all of Sidney, Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Darrell Rowley of North Platte and the late Dana Rowley... -
Thomas birthday
(Birthdays ~ 05/03/13)
Jaeslyn Rae Thomas Ninah Wallace and Jason Thomas of Ocoee, Florida, announce the birth of their daughter, Jaeslyn Rae Thomas, born March 19, 2013. She weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 20 inches long. She has two half-sisters, Alyssa Thomas, 8 and Taylor Thomas, 4. ...
Hansen anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/03/13)
50th anniversary The family of Wayne and Alice (Blume) Hansen of Cambridge, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary. They were married May 18, 1963, at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Indianola, Nebraska. Their family includes children, Mike Hansen of Cambridge, Doris (Jerrod) Burke of Curtis, Nebraska, Barb (Rob) Pinkal of Indianola and four grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 620 Shole Ave, Cambridge, NE 69022... -
Cox birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/03/13)
90th birthday The family of Robert Cox is requesting a card shower in honor of his 90th birthday May 12. Cards of congratulations will reach him at Hillcrest Nursing Home, 309 W. Seventh, Room 407, McCook, NE 69001 -
Ruggles anniversary
(Anniversary ~ 05/03/13)
An open house for Gayle and Barb Ruggles' 50th wedding anniversary will be Monday, May 6, from 12-3 p.m., at Tri State Livestock in McCook.
County atlases provide intriguing information (Community News ~ 05/03/13)
By Susan Doak SW Nebraska Genealogy Society McCOOK, Nebraska -- A useful tool when determining where your ancestors actually put down roots is the atlas of the county in which they lived. These atlases show precinct, townships and sections with the landowner's name. The 1905 Red Willow County Atlas is available for free on our website: www.swngs.nesgs.org... -
Is it really spring? (Local News ~ 05/03/13)
Peggy Rawn of Bartley, Nebraska, is wondering if it ever really will be spring again in Southwest Nebraska, considering that this tulip is backlit by a layer of puffy white snow. Weather this weekend should settle the question, but all bets are off on whether or not winter makes one more appearance before summer weather reigns. ... -
Bigger than life (Local News ~ 05/03/13)
About 40 people gathered on Sunday afternoon, April 21, at the new "Jan Pitsch Green" in Lincoln for the dedication of a life-size bronze sculpture by Cambridge artist Sondra L. Jonson. The 4 ft. long, 100 pound bronze is a portrait of "Emma," the late Jan Pitsch's pedigree standard poodle. ... -
Lady Indians in the rain (Local News ~ 05/03/13)
On Monday, April 22, the Lady Indian Volleyball team, helped with the Good Will Truck. Alisa Parde, associate pastor at Memorial United Methodist Church writes, "We had alot of rain, some sleet, and lightening, but we got the job done. Coach Natalie Alred brought her mother, Bev, brother, Roger, and her niece, Shelbi Tillery to help us as well. ... -
Bible Prophecy - Gloom And Doom (Column ~ 05/03/13)
Dear Friend, INTRO Are you tired of hearing Bible Prophecy, that tells of the terrible destruction that will soon take place? In all fairness, there is a balance, because the Bible also tells us, ABUNDANTLY of God's love and of the tremendous rewards that believers will have over in the glory with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. ... -
The wisdom of simplicity (Column ~ 05/03/13)
In Paulo Coelho's brilliant little book, The Alchemist, the author tells of a young lad sent by his father to a wise man to discover the secret of happiness. The wise man lived in a magnificent, faraway castle complete with sweet music, beautiful artwork, delicious food, and sprawling gardens. It was a wonder of the world... -
A time for celebration (Column ~ 05/03/13)
Theses days in spring are filled with honoring our high school graduates with celebrations throughout the community. This Sunday, there will be a special worship service, the Baccalaureate Service, in which we will mark their achievements of completing high school and bless them with the beginning of their life to come as adults. ... -
Return of Katnip World (Weekend Menu ~ 05/03/13)
Today's Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 05/03/13)
State wellness program
(Column ~ 05/03/13)
In 2009, the State of Nebraska launched a wellness program for state employees and spouses, called "wellnessoptions." With this program, Nebraska became one of the first states to offer an integrated wellness program that is tied to health insurance plan coverage...
Hill birthday (Birthdays ~ 05/03/13)
90th birthday The family of Ivan Hill of Loveland, Colorado, is hosting an open house in honor of his 90th birthday May 5. He was born on the family farm northwest of McCook. His family includes children, Rodney and wife, Cathy, Randy and wife, Jan, Kevin and wife, Alice Hill, step-daughters, Rita and husband, Randy Horse of Chadron, Nebraska and Becky Sorgatz of Fort Collins, Colorado. ...
Stories from Friday, May 3, 2013
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