Healthy foods for healthy kids (Weekend Menu ~ 03/19/10)
FAMILY FEATURES -- It seems that parents are on a continuous hunt for healthy foods that kids will actually eat. One of the simplest solutions is to choose soyfoods as the basis for snacks and meals. Great tasting soyfoods provide essential iron, calcium, potassium, fiber, and high-quality complete protein for growing kids and adolescents. ... -
Knowledge is our best defense
(Weekend Menu ~ 03/19/10)
In the past I only had to worry about "shade-tree" mechanics taking advantage of me, but this self-serving approach to doing business seems to be spreading like wildfire these days. I first noticed it when I was in Seattle and found myself having to stand my ground with my dentist, whose suggestions for an unnecessary monthly teeth-cleaning and replacement of fillings for "cosmetic" purposes eventually brought me to the realization that he wasn't offering me what I needed, but what my insurance would pay for.. ...
Ruth (Fearn) Dailey (Obituary ~ 03/19/10)
Feb. 19, 1926 - March 8, 2010 DENVER, Colo. -- Dailey (Fearn), Ruth, loving mother and granny, passed away March 8, 2010, in Denver, Colo. She will be greatly missed by her children Gary (Sue) Urling of Boulder, Colo., Mick (Kelly) Urling of Thornton, Colo., Cindy (Rick) Coulter of Dana Point, Calif., Jackie (Geno) Figurelli of Thornton, Colo., Jim (Bobi) Urling of Aurora, Colo.; sisters Rose Marie Fearn of Littleton, Colo., Joan (Ralph) Comiskey of Colorado Springs, Colo., Theresa Armstrong of Nixa, Mo., brothers Eugene (Evelyn) Fearn of Leavenworth, Kan., Bernard "Bud" (Sharon) Fearn of Pine, Colo.; four grandchildren, Matthew (Lisa) Urling, Crystal Hatfield, Taylor Urling and Brody Urling; two great-grandchildren, Sophia Urling and Lucas Urling; and her long time companion, Dudley Tullos.. ... -
Steve W. Turner
(Obituary ~ 03/19/10)
June 7, 1944 - March 18, 2010 BARTLEY -- Steve W. Turner, 65, died Thursday (March 18, 2010) at Cambridge Hospital after a short battle with cancer. Steve was born on June 7, 1944, in Denver, Colo., to Charles William and Madeline Fletcher (Buck) Turner. He graduated from Santa Barbara High School in Santa Barbara, Calif...
- Douglas Win Chambers (Obituary ~ 03/19/10)
Hitchcock County school board seeks input on buildings
(Local News ~ 03/19/10)
Hitchcock County Schools board of education members want to create an advisory committee to include school district patrons in decisions regarding school facilities in Culbertson and Trenton. The Hitchcock County News reports that during a board meeting on March 8, representatives of an architectural firm presented preliminary estimates to repair and renovate existing buildings and to build a new facility at a cost of up to $21 million...
On their way (Local News ~ 03/19/10)
Sandhill cranes display their sleek aerodynamic shape while soaring over Southwest Nebraska, an important stop on their annual trip from their winter homes as far south as Mexico to their nesting grounds in Minnesota, Canada or even eastern Siberia. -
Tough times good times to take control
(Editorial ~ 03/19/10)
The rural economy is still shrinking, but not as much as it has been, according to a Creighton University professor's latest figures on the Rural Mainstreet Index. Farmland values are above "growth neutral," offsetting declines in farm equipment sales and continued job losses...
Will gets married
(Column ~ 03/19/10)
I drove down to Lincoln last Thursday to attend the wedding of my youngest son Will. He was getting married to Erica Lance, a beautiful young woman from Seward, at the Apothecary in the Haymarket in downtown Lincoln. It was 40 degrees when I left McCook but I ran into snow at Holdrege and the temperature quickly dropped down to 34 degrees. ...
A more transparent, accountable government
(Column ~ 03/19/10)
Providing a more accountable and transparent government has always been one of my primary goals. I believe that taxpayers have the right to know exactly where their money goes. One of my proudest accomplishments as your State Treasurer has been the launching of nebraskaspending.gov...
Lenten Lesson 5 -- It's all about Jesus (Local News ~ 03/19/10)
It's not about the quantity of faith, or even the quality of faith. It's not about physical healing or even raising someone from the dead. It is about Jesus. And his revealed authority over death. It is, in fact, a scandalous tale about Jesus and the promise of resurrection he gives us, because he conquered suffering and death, even death on a cross, and is, himself, resurrected... -
Benino 'Benny' Contreras Garcia
(Obituary ~ 03/19/10)
June 22, 1924-March 14, 2010 GRAND ISLAND -- Benny C. Garcia, 86, died Sunday (March 24, 2010), at Golden Living Lakeview Nursing Home in Grand Island. He was born June 22, 1924, at New Brownsville, Texas, to Pedro and Mary (Contreras) Garcia. As a teenager, he moved to McCook where he worked as a farm hand for many years. In 1980, he began working at Hillcrest Nursing Home in maintenance, receiving a certificate in maintenance and repair. He retired in 1989...
Mother Nature wreaks havoc on MCC baseball schedule (High School Sports ~ 03/19/10)
STEVE KODAD Gazette Sports Editor Nebraska athletic teams at all levels are at the mercy of Mother Nature during the early spring season. The McCook Community College men's baseball team has not won a game yet this year. The Indians are 0-12 after suffering four close losses in last weekend's road trip to southeast Colorado, and 0-13 against Mother Nature... -
Cronin, Sitzman wedding (Wedding ~ 03/19/10)
RAVENNA -- Cassandra May Cronin of Ravenna and Jason Kyle Sitzman were united in marriage on Oct. 3, 2009, at Our Lady Lourdes Catholic Church in Ravenna with the Rev. Marty Egging officiating. Parents of the couple are Jim and Glenda Cronin of Ravenna and Larry and Sally Sitzman. Grandparents of the couple are Bess Cronin of Loup City, Glen May of Hastings and honorary grandparents are Fred and Bonnie Weber of Culbertston... -
Lacy, Jeffers wedding (Wedding ~ 03/19/10)
RIVIERA MAYA, Mexico -- Cheyenne Lacy and Cody Jeffers, both of Hayes Center, were united in marriage Nov. 25, 2009, at Riviera Maya, Mexico, with Judge Estela Sánchez officiating. Parents of the couple are Leanne Lacy of Cozad, Joe and Margaret Lacy of Garden City, Kan., Beverly Brush of Bonney Lake, Wash., and Larry and Lynn Jeffers of Palisade... -
Maurstad, Korgan engagement (Engagement ~ 03/19/10)
Kelsey Maurstad and Austin Korgan, both of Omaha, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Dr. Steve and Micki Maurstad of Omaha. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Randy and Kim Korgan of McCook. Grandparents of the bride-to-be are Robert and Del Jean Miller of Omaha and the late Marion and Dorothy Maurstad... -
Crow, Leaders engagement (Engagement ~ 03/19/10)
Robin Michelle Crow and Edward Dean Leaders, both of Omaha, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are David and Rhonda Pinkerton of Beatrice and Allen and Angie Crow of Arnold. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Gary and Sandra Leaders of Minden, Iowa... -
Lawson birth (Births ~ 03/19/10)
Travis and Jody Lawson, originally of Hayes Center and North Platte, currently of Pleasant Hill, Calif., announce the birth of a son, Barrett Dale Lawson. He was born March 8, 2010, at Walnut Creek, Calif. He weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 21 1/2 inches long. He has a 2-year old brother, Jonah. Grandparents are Robert and Roselyn McFarland of Maxwell and Gaylord and Deb Lawson of Hayes Center... -
Dr. Paul M. St. Aubin (Obituary ~ 03/19/10)
How's your NCAA pool? (Sports Column ~ 03/19/10)
Ya-hoo! Is everybody in the pool? How's your NCAA men's basketball pool going? C'mon, be honest. How many of you had Murray State a 13th seed upsetting No. 4 seed Vandy? Or even better, how many of you March Madness prognosticators correctly tabbed Ohio, a 14th seed, upsetting No. 3 Georgetown? That's Ohio U., the guys in green -- not The Ohio State U. Buckeyes...
Stories from Friday, March 19, 2010
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