Bison sports in full swing (High School Sports ~ 08/17/09)
McCook Cross Country head coach Tom Sughroue looks for a break in the weather to begin his first day of practice Monday morning at the High School. The Cross Country team will have a watermelon run Tuesday, August 25, 6 p.m. on the east side of the Fairgrounds a sports drink, admission will be a sports drink... -
Movie Review - District 9 (Weekend Menu ~ 08/17/09)
Movie Review - District 9 Starring Sharlto Copley and directed by Neill Blomkamp. Rated R for bloody violence and pervasive language. Have you heard the hype for this movie? It's pretty thick thanks to an innovative marketing campaign and crazy media blitz in the last couple weeks - including a ton of critics giving it the 'MUST SEE' branding. ... -
Mock drill Tuesday at college
(Local News ~ 08/17/09)
On Tuesday, an emergency/crisis training exercise will be conducted on the McCook Community College campus from 9-11 a.m. The planned training event is to test the coordination, cooperation, and interaction between local fire, police, hospital and college personnel...
War dogs at Fort Robinson (Column ~ 08/17/09)
The use of dogs in war goes a long way back in time, probably to the moment that man domesticated the dog. Dogs were recognized early on for their acute senses, their intense loyalty, their speed and stamina. In Ancient Greek and Roman times dogs were trained to attack enemies. ... -
Reasoned advice takes over from early swine flu 'panic'
(Editorial ~ 08/17/09)
Fewer school closing expected this fall.
Pinkal anniversary (Anniversary ~ 08/17/09)
Terry and Lynn (Driml) Pinkal of McCook will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They were married Aug. 18, 1984, at First Congregational Church in McCook. Children of the couple are Tiffanie Pinkal of Kearney and Kellanie Pinkal of McCook.
Stories from Monday, August 17, 2009
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