McCook woman taking care of last year's gift from her 'Christmas Angel' (Local News ~ 01/12/08)
It's been a frustrating year for a McCook woman who received a new kidney in time for Christmas in 2006. Although Nancy Ott's life hasn't gotten a lot easier, as she had hoped, but more difficult, as she never dreamed, she is still very, very thankful for the new kidney, and in awe of the totally selfless gift from the donor, the woman Nancy called "my Christmas angel" a year ago... -
State should help Medicaid clients quit smoking
(Local News ~ 01/12/08)
It seems like a common-sense idea that should save money and lives. State Sen. Ray Aguilar of Grand Island introduced a bill Thursday that would let Medicaid pay for medicines and counseling to help people quit smoking. There are serious reasons to do so. In Nebraska, about 33,500 people who are on Medicaid smoke. We'll avoid the obvious question of how they can afford cigarettes if they are unable to afford health insurance, but that tobacco also costs the state dearly...
Feedback -- Encouraging words and lessons learned
(Column ~ 01/12/08)
Those of you who read this column in the paper may not be aware that there is a space for comments following the on-line version. My recent article about the combat death of Robert Weskamp, grandson of McCook's "Trash Lady," generated quite a few. And for once all were positive and uplifting...
Leaving the nest -- The final semester for some
(Column ~ 01/12/08)
This is a melancholy time for parents and their children across the land. Many will be graduating in five short months from high school and will be embarking on a life filled with new challenges and expectations. It's especially melancholy for the parents. ...
Hit the nail on the head
(Letter to the Editor ~ 01/12/08)
Dear Editor, Congratulations Gloria Masoner on your column page 4, Opinion, Jan. 10. We also think it would be wrong for Hillary to be in the White House for a third term. Your comments sure hit the nail on the head in many ways! Shedding tears to get your way would not be looked upon as a good represenative for our nation. We really enjoy your Glory Daze!...
Stories from Saturday, January 12, 2008
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