Area foursome, coach picked for Shrine Bowl
(High School Sports ~ 03/09/06)
LINCOLN -- McCook seniors Tony Purvis and Brendan Liess, Cambridge's Waid Vontz and Chase County's Abel Hinojosa were selected to play for the South Team in the 48th Annual Nebraska Shrine Bowl Football Game Saturday, July 22 at Lincoln's Memorial Stadium...
All About the Y: Providing assistance through Partners with Youth
(Community Sports ~ 03/09/06)
The Ed Thomas YMCA has kicked off one its most important events of the year: the annual Partners with Youth fund-drive. In its 17th year, the program is designed to help financially those unable to pay program or membership fees at the McCook YMCA...
Lyle H. Weber
(Obituary ~ 03/09/06)
April 26, 1953--March 7, 2006 ARAPAHOE -- Lyle Harold Weber was born April 26, 1953, to Harold and Marie (Ziebell) Weber in McCook. He passed away March 7, 2006, in Omaha at the age of 52. Lyle was raised on a farm north of Arapahoe. He entered grade school at Immanuel Lutheran School north of Arapahoe and was confirmed into the Trinity Lutheran Church in 1967. ...
Milo O. Smith (Obituary ~ 03/09/06)
Jan. 13, 1925--March 8, 2006 TRENTON -- Milo O. Smith died Wednesday, March 8, 2006, at the ElDorado Manor Home in Trenton, at the age of 81. He was born Jan. 13, 1925, in Grant, the son of Frank and Hazel Marie (Cronk) Smith. He grew up at Grant, where he graduated from Grant High School... -
Meyers birthday
(Birthdays ~ 03/09/06)
The family of Helen Meyers is requesting a card shower in honor of her 99th birthday. She was born March 13, 1907. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 39139 Drive 718, McCook, NE 69001.
Baker hopes budget bill back to stay
(Local News ~ 03/09/06)
The Nebraska Legislature's Revenue Committee has moved its tax bill to the floor twice -- and pulled it back twice. Hopefully, the third time's the charm. During his regular call to the McCook Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee, Nebraska Sen. Tom Baker said the tax bill has been moved back to the floor for the third time -- and this time it should stay there...
Irrigators do their part to cut water use (Local News ~ 03/09/06)
Irrigators in the Middle Republican Natural Resources District used 30 percent less water in 2005 than they were allocated by the rules and regulations adopted to help Nebraska comply with the Republican River Compact lawsuit settlement of December 2002... -
Crash survivors owe survival to buckling up
(Editorial ~ 03/09/06)
If the pictures don't get your attention, we don't know what will. The Nebraska State Patrol released three photographs along with a story about how Roxanne Denny of Doniphan and her three children escaped serious injury when their minivan was struck broadside by a schoolbus last November...
Town going 'ker-bust'?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/09/06)
I was a member of the Red Willow County Taxpayer's League, led by Sen. Ben Nelson's mother, Birdella. We, as a group, attended all council meetings. We succeeded in getting quite a few things done favorably for the taxpayers. Sorry the league is no longer functioning. However, I'm still taxpayer interested...
Salami to talk about dancing
(Column ~ 03/09/06)
"You know what I want for my birthday?" I asked Brad last week. He gave me a nervous look -- he'd just bought my dream car in December, I had just purchased a new pair of glasses that would have paid most of our income tax bill, and I had recently put a $500 camera on layaway...
Arlee D. Bethel (Obituary ~ 03/09/06)
Sept. 9, 1932--March 7, 2006 WILSONVILLE -- Arlee D. Bethel, 73, died Tuesday (March 7, 2006) at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital. He was born near Lebanon on Sept. 9, 1932. to Klee C. and Laura R. (Fisher) Bethel. He graduated from Danbury High School in 1950... -
New rehabilitation center to cost $3.8 million (Local News ~ 03/09/06)
Community Hospital's plans to build the new Rehabilitation Center on the hospital campus are moving forward with groundbreaking in May despite a recent increase in construction costs. Original conceptual phase construction estimates for the center came in at $2.1 million in December 2004, according to hospital officials. ...
Stories from Thursday, March 9, 2006
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