Sara L. Reiners (Obituary ~ 11/18/04)
Nov. 18, 1940-Nov. 17, 2004 Sara L. Reiners entered her heavenly home Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004, at Community Hospital of McCook after a year and a half long courageous battle with cancer. Sara was born on Nov. 18, 1940, in Hayes Center to Donald Allen and Dorothy Jean (Counce) Rathbun. ... -
Time to tailgate (Local News ~ 11/18/04)
McCook Radio Group/KICX Radio, in cooperation with the McCook Daily Gazette and Sehnert's Bakery, invites Bison fans to a pep rally and tailgate party before the McCook-Lincoln Pius Class B championship football game Saturday in Lincoln. The rally is scheduled from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the office of the Nebraska Press Association, 845 S. Street, at the corner of Ninth and S. The football game starts at 7 p.m., at Memorial Stadium, just a block and on half from the NPS office... -
United Way supports children (Local News ~ 11/18/04)
Children are an integral part of any community and the McCook United Way supports a variety of agencies and programs geared to providing youth with safe, educational environments where they obtain the skills for productive and satisfying lives. Among those agencies are Heat Start Program, the YMCA Live Y'ers After School Program and Family Resources Inc... -
Board of Governors accepts bid
(Local News ~ 11/18/04)
NORTH PLATTE -- The Mid Plains Community College Area Board of Governors accepted a bid from Gateway Computers for computer needs for the two college campuses. The purchase includes computer desktops, laptops, carts and classroom units for a total cost of $204,003.00 for the 2004-2005 college year...
Just call her 'Scrooge'
(Column ~ 11/18/04)
Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and pumpkin pie ... it's official, the holiday season is upon us. The Gazette is hosting its annual Thanksgiving Day dinner today and the diet is officially blown for the next month and a half. According to unnamed experts (who sit in secret hiding places and make up outrageous numbers to put to facts) the average American will gain five to seven pounds during the holiday season. Five to seven pounds? Yeah, right...
Thanks for support
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/18/04)
Dear Editor: Because of cutbacks in the United States Department of Agriculture commodity disbursement program, the McCook Pantry is now receiving about a third of the food it once received. That cut could have been devastating for families in need in Southwest Nebraska. But as usual, the citizens of McCook have stepped forward and shown the truly generous spirit so common in our little corner of the world...
Nelson faces tough choice
(Editorial ~ 11/18/04)
Should he stay in the Senate or consider Secretary of Ag position?
Stories from Thursday, November 18, 2004
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