Gubernatorial candidates to face-off in McCook (Local News ~ 07/12/02)
The Governor's Debates are coming to McCook! Following weeks of discussion, campaign officials announced Thursday that the McCook Memorial Auditorium will be the site of the second of three debates between the incumbent Republican governor, Mike Johanns, and the Democratic challenger, Stormy Dean... -
Better sports coverage
(Column ~ 07/12/02)
I would like you to check out Monday's local sports page. There is not a single local article by the so-called sports editor. He has copied every one of the articles for the AP wire. We don't buy the local paper to read national news. We watch ESPN for that...
Joe Louis revisited
(Column ~ 07/12/02)
Dear Editor: After reading Ruth Sughroue's letter in the July 8 edition of the Gazette, I feel it is necessary to correct a few facts concerning Joe Louis' and the Trenton Pow-Wow. First it was 1952 and not 1950. The "Colonel" mentioned owning the duplex she and her husband lived in was Major Earl Campbell. I believe Victor Madsen was mayor at that time. That was 50 years ago and none of our memories are crystal clear...
The key
(Column ~ 07/12/02)
Dear Friend, What is the KEY word you need to know to get into Heaven? As you know a key is very important, you use it to unlock the door to your house and you need keys for many other things. Almost everyone wants to go to Heaven (in the U.S.A.). A missionary friend wrote from Russia recently, "In Russia everyone thinks they are going to Hell but in the United States everyone thinks they are going to Heaven."...
Mosher admired
(Column ~ 07/12/02)
Dear Editor: I liked the article about Evert Mosher. He is a man I have loved and admired many years for many reasons. I can think of a lot of different stories you could tell about him. I am his former daughter-in-law but I am still in close contact with Evert and Doris. Thanks for the article. Sincerely...
Common sense is needed in budget talks
(Column ~ 07/12/02)
We all have our money woes. The cable bill is increasing as quickly as the number of new channels is added to the airwaves. We're drowning in the increasing cost of water. The electricity bill is zapping us every month. And opening the gas bill can ignite a panic attack. But we all learn to get by with what we have...
A new walking trail
(Local News ~ 07/12/02)
The Republican River south of McCook appears to be a suitable place for a nature filled walk.
No promise of rain
(Local News ~ 07/12/02)
A Russian olive tree entwines its branches through an abandoned windmill, beseeching the heavens for rain.
Birthday celebration
(Local News ~ 07/12/02)
A group of about 20 people showed up a Norris Park to celebrate the 141st birthday of U.S. Senator George Norris. Following cake and conversation in the park, the group moved to the McCook Library where they viewed a documentary film by Tabetha Lux, a seventh grade student from Crawford. The film told the story of how Norris's Rural Electrification Association change the lives of rural Americans...
District superintendent included in process
(Local News ~ 07/12/02)
The decision to assign the Rev. Randy Sailors to the southwest district superintendent position was conferred by a panel of eight superintendents according to the Rev. Glenn Loy, one of the eight superintendents. "I was a part of the decision making process," said Loy, "and I agree with it wholeheartedely."...
'Fall runs' starting early (Local News ~ 07/12/02)
What cattle producers and sale barn personnel call "the fall runs" are starting early in Southwest Nebraska -- really early because the drought is burning up summer pastureland and threatening feed supplies for winter. And the new 2002 U.S. farm bill offers no help for cattlemen impacted by this ongoing lack of moisture. ... -
County settles with former commisioner
(Local News ~ 07/12/02)
TRENTON -- Hitchcock County and the former commissioner it accused of misusing county equipment have reached a compromise and settlement. County commissioners voted during a regular meeting July 1 to settle the case with former District 1 commissioner Francis Friehe of Culbertson. Friehe will pay $6,250, and both parties will pay their own attorney fees. Court records indicate charges against Friehe have been dismissed, and cannot be refiled...
Never a dull moment (Column ~ 07/12/02)
So a turtle walks into the mall -- stop reading this if you've heard this one before. Just when you think life is getting a little boring, all you have to do is look around for a little excitement. In my case, all I had to do was look down, in particular, look down at the floor of the mall... -
President, Selig have something in common (Column ~ 07/12/02)
President George W. Bush and Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig have a lot in common. And that's aside from the fact that both are former owners of Major League Baseball teams. Selig was the owner of the Milwaukee Brewers. The president was the owner of the Texas Rangers...
Stories from Friday, July 12, 2002
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