Showing the Way Home to a Soul,
Some illuminate Danger or Blight,
Yet, None Dim the Path to Jesus’ Goal;
“Safe Harbor, in Him.”
In Praise And Ponder
By Arley Steinhour 052418 (rev. of 052410)
I Praise Him for the Glassy Sea.
I Praise Him for the Choppy Sea.
I Praise Him for the Stormy Sea,
For He is watching over me.
Condemn not, they, not on the path,
the one that 'Reborn' now tread.
Any, that can't find their Way,
Until we shine our lamps ahead.
Not long ago, I say, contrite,
The path, I could not see;
Until a Christian shined his light,
upon God's Path, for me.
I stepped upon it, oh tears of joy,
Messiah Led me Home;
Now I must shine the light I employ,
That others Need Not Roam.
Condemn them not, the poor lost soul,
For we were once like them;
Alone, and searching, Blind to Goal,
Until, another light shined, bright or dim.
Smile and Glow, Beam out your light,
Our oil ‘cannot’ burn dim;
For Jesus, now, provides Light-Bright,
As ‘His Bride,’ We're a Part of Him.
Light the Path, and Keep the Cheer,
He's nearer than we might think.
Witness to all, they Need to Hear,
So, We Miss None, and Do Not Sink.
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