Fruit Fly Scheme
Fruit Fly Scheme
By Arley Steinhour 040318
How big is man, in Creation’s Scene,
Created, with a Beginning, but, No-End?
I cringe to say, we’re not even seen,
“Unseen,” following ‘Universal Trend.’
Not long ago, we saw, only Stars,
Today, Galaxies spinning, like ours,
Birthing, and Dying, without ‘Cigars,’
Like, Marbles, in many Gigantic Jars.
This brings me back to what we can see,
That’s an every-day part, of who we be,
Tiny, but visible, the Fruit-Fly, lives Free,
For a taste of sweetness, but not from me.
They do no damage, yet we Hunt them,
Beyond our control, while flying in air,
Fly-Swatter in hand, causes them Mayhem,
Upon landing, and we swat without Care.
Them ‘buggers procreate,’ like little Rabbits,
They’re Laid, and they hatch, as a Batch,
And, Though short-lived, develop Habits,
That, Keen eye, and a Swat, can Dispatch.
Both sides of this Conundrum, perhaps extreme,
Calls for understanding, of ‘Why God Loves man,’
In Celestial Scale, we’re not in ‘Fruit Fly Scheme,’
Yet, God/Jesus Died, Redeeming man, into ‘HIS-Clan.’
He ‘Swatted’ man, that required Noah build an Ark,
But, unlike the ‘Fruit-Fly,’ we procreated to Rebellion,
Trying to Prove, Man too can Create, more than just ‘Bark,’
As God Locks Away Satan, and ‘Swats man, with Millennium;’
(Training, for HIS Perfect-Reward, HIS ‘MARK)
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