Seven Hellish Years
Perhaps, ‘One Finds Themselves, just Standing There,’
Souls that are Lost, unless, they ‘Pre-Trib-Repent,’
‘Rescued, to Jesus,’ or, a ‘Trib-Saint, Hunted to Despair.’ What says the girl, ‘Seeking another who’d Care’
Maybe, the man, ‘Knowing Why he’s in Despair,’
Or the Vender inside, with ‘No One Buying his Fare?’
“Accept Jesus’ Offer;” Only Left Behind are ‘Standing There.’
Seven Hellish Years
By Arley Steinhour 021818
Awaken, all ye, ‘Closed of Mind,’
We’re coming to the ‘End of Road,’
Jew, and Gentile be ‘Found No More,’
‘Under Jesus’ Rule,’ in a Millennial Abode.
Before Millennium, Man has a Problem,
Church/Bride is Rescued, ‘Pre-Tribulation,’
Prior to, ‘Last Destruction of Jerusalem,’
That, Jesus Rebuilds, for ‘CAPITALIZATION.’
‘Tribulation,’ many call, ‘Time of the Beast,’
Seven Years, under Satan’s unfettered Rule,
To, Cull the ‘Tare, from the Wheat,’ at least,
That, at Armageddon, Gentile Days are Full.
God/Jesus, will come, to Quell All of ‘The Satan,’
Especially those bearing the ‘Mark of the Beast,’
On, Right hand, or Forehead, ‘An Abomination,’
(Never to See Heaven, nor Wedding Feast.)
They that Survive, the ‘Seven Hellish Years,’
Be they, ‘Reborn or Unsaved,’ are Quite Lucky,
(My Guesstimation, only ‘Twenty Percent Cheers,’
As, ‘Eighty Percent, are Dead,’ of ‘Reborn, and Unlucky.’)
Then, ‘Why the Millennium, for Culling Satan’s Presence?’
God Knows, that man can be ‘Evil in his own Recognizance,’
Most Farmers know, Culling isn’t a Perfect Happenstance,
Many, Born in Millennium, are Evil, without Satan’s ‘Influence.’
‘The Only Escape,’ from Tribulation, is ‘Pre-Trib-Rebirth,’
By, Accepting Salvation, in Jesus, for His Sacrifice,
On the Cross, where He took all Sin, on God’s Earth,
IF, and only IF, we Accept, Repent, and Spirit-Baptize.
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