Response to Condemnation
That Chastises Souls, ‘Gone Astray,’
That the ‘Furrows,’ Plowed in the Sod,
Will ‘Produce Good Fruit,’ in its DAY.
(Ponder, Repent, and Pray)
Response to Condemnation
By Arley Steinhour 122617 (to ‘Mike Chase’)
What started out to be a simple reply,
Became a twig, stuck in my eye,
That don't compare to the 'Log,'
That you Mike Chase, seem to 'Hog.'
I offer my counsel, to your heart,
I feel your Christianity, needs a Jump-Start,
I pray, my words, will have a Part,
Of Lifting your love, off the Chart:
**Dedicated to all the 'Mike Chases, in World of Christianity**:
It must be 'tight,' within your Cocoon,
As, ‘Your Strong Condemnations Exemplify,’
That you may be, an ‘Accusing Buffoon,’
That is Prophesied, ‘Truth, Satanically Belied.’
The list you give, looks quite dooming,
Unless one will “Sort the Deck,”
Espousing, no more than, ‘Doom and Glooming,’
God, Promises ‘Accuser’s own Shipwreck.’
Some names, you cited, has ‘Much to Convey,’
Some, you cited, I fear, may find Doom,
Others you cited, may be a tad, Astray,
(They, that Condemn, ‘Build Their Own Tomb.’)
I’ll Pray for you, but, still ‘Sweep your Dust,
From my Floor, ‘That Of Condemnation,’
As I Implore you to ‘Love,’ not, ‘Offer Filthy Crust;’
‘Shepherding,' much Better, than 'Spiritual-Castration.’
Believe as you Wish, ‘Teach as you’re Able,’
Pray and Ponder your ‘Position, and Place,’
But, Don’t Bite the Foot, that’s under ‘God’s Table,’
Lest, you Bite God, to be ‘Excluded, from the Race.’
Satan and False gods, Demand ‘Works,’ to Please them,
Where the soul, never knows for sure, the ‘Destination,’
‘Whim,’ of a ‘god,’ dictates; ‘NOT SO, GOD,’ Born in Bethlehem,
‘Emmanuel/Yahushuah/Yashua/Jesus, GOD of CREATION.’
- -- Posted by Navyblue on Tue, Dec 26, 2017, at 12:11 PM
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