Remember the Veteran

Remember the Veteran
By Arley Steinhour 111216
My Hooo-Raaah to all Veterans, and GOD
I know a man, from Galilee,
Who came to Earth to Set Man Free,
Emanuel, 'God With Mankind,'
A more Perfect person, no man can Find.
Healing the Sick, and Fallen, Every Way,
In His 'Salvation,' we're Saved, even, Today,
As a Servant, called, 'The Son of Man,'
He unveiled, His, Marriage/Wedlock Plan.
Through, perfect Service, each 'Step and Breath,'
Unto the 'Church/Bride,' Redeeming through Death,
He, had to Die, on a Cross, for our Redemption,
Purchased, from Satan, to build His 'Bridal-Nation.'
Each Yearly Season, we Remember the Veteran.
Who lived a Contract, Defending, or as Samaritan,
Serving, where needed, to keep this Land Free,
For, God, and Country, unto Death, they Agree.
They live by the 'Rules,' set by God, and Man,
Prevention of War, being, the 'God Given Plan,'
'Veteran,' means that still breathing, We Came Home,'
Having done our part, keeping Country Wholesome.
So, in a small way, Veterans serve, as all should,
To Serve, and to Raise, children to Adulthood,
With the Right to live Free, in their Generation,
Decade by Decade, in this Wonderful Nation.
Serve God, and Country, with 'All of Your Might,'
In Peace-Time, as Samaritan, but, Ready to Fight,
To Protect our Way of Life, Blessed to Lead,
Serving, mankind, and 'Sewing, God's Seed.
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