Accept His Paternity
Accept His Paternity
By Arley Steinhour 101916
Standing at the Check-out-line, he waited,
Until his number flashed on the Neon Sign,
He, presented self, for Judgment, as anticipated,
Pondered how He'd lived, 'Everything is Fine.'
'I've been a very good mortal, never Hating,
And, I've helped many a soul in Trouble,
How could they say, 'Sorry for the Waiting,
But, your life was Rife, with Sinful-Stubble.''
Aghast, his knees became nearly boneless,
His eyes fully welled with pitiful tears,
Mouth dry as bone, he spoke with distress,
'But, I tried to be good, all those years.'
Gallery, didn't mumble, or grumble,
As, not a word, did fall on their ear,
The Judge spoke Private, and Humble,
"I Never Knew You, not one Day of a Year.
In a moment his life Passed in Review,
Nothing left out, from Total-Memory,
Behavior, Bad, and Good, Terrible, a few,
But, Nothing, Judge could call, Exemplary.
Softly, the Judge, spoke to Condemnation,
'You lived your life, as you would, to Suffice,
You, went to Church, and learned of Redemption,
But, You never requested, or accepted, My Sacrifice.'
His Judgement, is go to the Lake, for Eternity;
Flaming Hot, for Satan, Fallen Angels, plus sinful.
All you needed to do, was to 'Accept His Paternity,'
As, He paid your Redemption, on Cross, in Full.'
Don't suffer the above, for Your-Eternal-Sake,
Repent Heart, to Jesus, to be Young and Spry,
No False god would offer, to 'Die on a Stake,'
To Redeem a Lost-Soul, unless, Telling a LIE.
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