By Arley Steinhour 090916
'Opportunity,' is the word, that's Key,
In U. S. A. that means 'You and Me,'
We truly are, 'The Land of Opportunity,'
No matter if arrival, be 'Slave, Bond, or Free.'
Blacks arrived, as 'Slave,' in most cases,
Given Freedom by War, 'Slave,' Blood-Erases,
The 'What, When, Why, and the Phases,'
Show that, today, Work and Study, earn Praises.
I grew up, a boy, on a 'Prairie of White,'
Without Parents or Roots, I had to Fight,
It seems, for each Step, of 'Progress Delight,'
Hard Work, and Study, beat, 'Prejudice Spite.'
Looking around, I see so many Others,
Cringing, or Fighting, with all their 'Brothers,'
Complaining 'folks,' tend to be, 'Tavern Bencher,'
Hating the Country, that started their 'Venture.'
Experienced by Many, coming to America, to 'Seek,'
Found, acceptance slowed down, by their 'Physique,'
Blacks, started as 'Slave,' "Paddling, up the Creek,"
More was required, for Acceptance of any, but 'Meek.'
Violence, and Riots, dispel 'Majority Acceptance,'
And, a Lifestyle on Welfare, only 'Fosters Repugnance,'
With Stronger Work Rules, Employers give a 'Chance,'
To, Any and All, if you don't take, 'Demand' as Your 'Stance.'
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