Independence Day Blues
Independence Day Blues
By Arley Steinhour 063016
Independence Day, now be a Weekend away,
Where we Celebrate God, for being our 'Stay,'
City-folk will gather, for Fireworks, Display,
The Day we Emote, with Patriotic Sway.
Two Hundred-Forty years, since Freedom-One,
From the Time of Rebellion, till we had Won,
Freedom, not 'Given,' but, Won-by-the-Gun,
Many folk dying, proved Painful, Not Fun.
Today, 'We the People,' have 'Status-Quo,'
Apathy, runs deep, even, Hatred a 'Blow,'
People Immigrate, with hearts all 'Aglow,'
But, once ensconced, our good-life must go.
They'd rather be Slaves, than have Free Will,
Wherever they live, Freedom goes 'Downhill,'
They 'work' for pennies, or, take 'Welfare Pill,'
Working Citizens, lose jobs, Tax-Income is 'Nil.'
This may be the last, of Independence Day,
Since most Citizens, see it as a day of Play,
Yelling at Elected, to invoke Laws, that Sway,
'Back to the Old Days' of Freedom, on 'Life-tray.'
Soon, we may see, the End of the Ride,
Deserting our God, means Doom, Certified,
So, have a 'Ball;' with a Seven year, Mud-slide,
Unless you are Saved by Jesus, our God-Certified.
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