Justified and Redeemed 040716
Justified and Redeemed
By Arley Steinhour 040716
I see a Ship, just barely afloat,
'The Land of the Red, White and Blue,'
With most of the people, bleating like a Goat,
For Entitlements, unearned, not a few.
The Working class, fades like the setting Sun,
With its brightness, dimming, more every day,
Taxation, now has Middle Class, on the Run,
With 'Bills,' Tax income cannot pay.
Entitlements, 'Prepaid,' can't keep pace,
As, retired folks, have less, to survive,
Unearned Entitlement, wins every race,
As the benefits, keep unworthy, alive.
What would you do to celebrate,
Your arrival, at a final destination,
When, stopping too soon, or too late,
Into a world worthy of 'Consternation?'
You would look around in terror,
Witnessing, blood and gore galore,
Wondering, 'who could be the bearer,
Of these Catastrophes, 'Shore to Shore.'
Look into a mirror, that is lighted bright,
We'll see one of the Sinners, that's guilty,
Who elected leaders, to do things Right,
But, they failed us, Corporately, or Severally.
Some will wash their hands, to be Free,
Of any blame for what their Sin has done,
Others will shrug, and never will see,
Nor Care, when the Final Bell's Wrung.
Only God, our Savior, can bail us out,
If we Fast, and Pray, the Seas He'll Still,
But, should we not, only the 'Reborn,' will Shout,
Gleefully saved from Wrath's Bitter Pill.
Turn your heart, to God, [better known as Jesus],
He went to the Cross, to Pay our Sin Debt,
He waits for us to Accept Church/Bride consensus,
'Justified and Redeemed,' without Regret.
- -- Posted by divorcedugly on Fri, Apr 8, 2016, at 8:58 AM
- -- Posted by Navyblue on Sat, Apr 9, 2016, at 10:26 AM
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