Marking Messiahs Queen
Marking Messiahs Queen
By Arley Steinhour 040516
Children don't have Childhood, any more,
They text, the child next to them, on the floor;
The only word they haven't clearly 'twisted,'
Is 'Boring,' a word old-folks didn't know existed.
The 'young' Adult population's much the same,
Without maturity, they've no pride nor shame,
Oh, Society is loaded with Adulteress and Adulterer,
Married or not, they're willing to be a Furtherer.
A good sign of the 'State,' that we are in,
Is, go to Church and revel in empty pews and sin.
Oh, there are still a few who sport title, Christian,
But most of them sport title in 'Fallen-away' Condition.
We listen to another voice, to tell us, 'We are fine,'
And to their interpretation, we easily 'Tow the Line,'
Our Bibles gather dust, upon musty closet shelves,
Very few, if reading, comprehend all by themselves.
This year we call Two Thousand and Sixteen,
Could be the last, for Marking, Messiah's Queen,
Better known as 'Christian, Born Again,'
'Church/Bride,' for Eternity, (without End).
The Jew would call this year, 'Shemita, Seven,'
Seven years, times Seven, with Jubilee the heaven;
On October Twelve, may well begin last Jubilee,
God told Noah 'A Hundred Twenty, 'Years,'' we be free.
Believe on Christ Jesus, Repent, your Sin filled Play,
Accept the Price, Jesus Paid for you, that Day,
To be Purchased before He comes our way,
To Snatch His Church/Bride, who accept His Stay.
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