the Promised Day
The Promised Day
By Arley Steinhour 091415 (Tishri 1 5776)
(Making a Great Noise)
Tishri One, on God's Perfect Calendar,
Blow the Shofar, Great Noise Share,
However, New Moon, has not/yet been seen,
Except on Calendar by Rabbinic machine.
The Feast, no man knows, day nor hour,
Will sometimes come late, if there's a shower,
The clouds can hide, what is normally seen,
That Day gets set back, one day, no 'between.'
Elul Twenty Nine was Saturday/Sunday,
From Sunset, to Sunset, then, Sunday/Monday,
Nothing was seen, of the New Moon, in Israel,
So, to be correct, set Feast-day back, a spell.
We are now in that 'set-back Festival Day Joy,
There still is a chance we will see God's Boy,
Like thief in the night, He could snatch us away,
This could be, I pray, The Long sought, Promised Day.
Should I be wrong, then keep singing our song,
For He is coming soon, and it won't be long,
'As Thief in the Night,' gives me much to ponder,
When Arc is filled, He will Snatch us up, yonder.
Like the Thief, on the Cross, sorely in Pain,
Asked Jesus to Remember Him, not to complain,
The other, who was evil, cursed himself on the cross,
Berating the Savior, so he was cursed, into Loss.
If you haven't asked Jesus, to be in your Life,
Plus, Disciple His Teachings, as His Holy Wife,
Co-heirs with Jesus, Begotten Son of our God,
Eternally Happy; else, you bear God's Iron Rod.
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