The Bridge is Crossed
Posted Wednesday, July 29, 2015, at 8:38 AM
Repent, Turn, or Return, to God/Jesus' Way of Life.
Aborted babies already with Him.
The Bridge is Crossed
By Arley Steinhour 072915
The Bridge is crossed,
We cannot return,
At an horrible cost,
Our Freedoms, we burn.
That which once made us strong,
Flame of Slavery, now consumes,
Ashes to Ashes, before very long,
Fueled by killing of Baby, in Wombs.
We look around, like Roman's did,
Each day, searching for deviant Parties,
The Vat of Sin is open, without a lid,
Dipping, the liquor of doom, so hearty.
With many Christians, in that group,
Satan must sing a winning song,
Repent your Sinful Lifestyle stoop,
To become a powerful Throng.
Much damage has scared,
This freedom, Gift of God,
Return, back to Jesus' Yard,
Before, the World feels His Rod.
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