Ill Will Wind Blows
Ill Will Wind Blows
By Arley Steinhour 062415
Ill-Will-Winds Blow across the land,
As trials of life get more out of hand,
Where calm breezes, once a whisper,
Become today an 'Hate filled Stranger.'
The 'Flocks' of Christians flee the scene,
Fearing that they will be called, 'Unclean,'
By praying in buildings, containing a 'Spire,'
By the people, misled, in Satan's 'Hire.'
Yet, there are many souls just perching,
To find God's Truth, not just 'Churching,'
Without knowing the truth of God's word,
Satan can easily twist Truth, to be deterred.
For a Minister, to check files, for a Sermon,
Enhances Satan's chance of turning it to Vermin,
Without understanding, the Sermon is Read,
And the minds and hearts, may end up dead.
Ministry, is the putting of 'meat on the bone,'
God's Truth is complete, but don't stand alone,
Congregation needs leading, and understanding,
Of Jesus' Love, and what Covenant's demanding.
Jesus purchased the Bride, with the Price He Paid
All we need do is Accept, Repent, to be Stayed,
Of every Evil and Whoredom, with full Justification,
Qualifies our Communion, as a part of His Nation.
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