End of Christian Times
End of Christian Times
By Arley Steinhour 060615
When, all these 'days' are over,
And, Prophecies, are played,
Do we go to Fields of Clover,
Or is Stupidity displayed??
The Prophets, seem to all agree,
This is the End of Christian Times,
Do we go to Hell, or are we free,
A part of House, of 'Perfect Climes??'
When Prophecy, at last, is played,
Through Son's Millennial Reign, of man,
A Thousand years, God's Word is stayed,
Full cleansing, according to plan.
The signs are sadly telling man
We've failed to learn the 'Only' Way,
Instead of One, a Thousand Clans,
Living life of choice, through 'Play.'
Souls, wanting no part of God, the Groom,
Don't understand, Judgment isn't a 'Midterm-exam,'
But, each 'Believer' has a New Bridal Room,
For, an Eternal Day, Loving God's 'Paschal Lamb'
- -- Posted by Navyblue on Sat, Jun 6, 2015, at 10:30 AM
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