Repent and Bless
Is built, anew, the Kingdom World,,,
Satan, in Pit, no Remnant of temptation,,,
A Thousand years, 'Wheat and Tare,' are Pearled.
Repent and Bless
By Arley Steinhour 041515
When God's Bible Word, is put into play,
Its 'Truth' demands reading, a better way,
Read your Bible; to each word give heed,
Don't 'Surface-Scan,' at 'Break-neck-Speed.'
Many Story plots, in Testament-Old,
Harbinger Prophecy, be it, hint, or bold,
Some, to the time, of Messiah's first coming,
As 'Suffering Servant,' to most, was alarming.
Then there's the stories, for today's alarm,
The week of Jacob's Trouble, without any charm,
Also known as, Time of 'Tribulation, Great,'
For those who shun Jesus, until too late.
There are stories teaching, how Second Coming be,
As the 'Lion, of Judah,' for the World to see,
With Millennial Kingdom, with Jesus, as KING,
Peace, and tranquility, at last, 'Life's Thing.'
One promise that's made, all men must know,
It's the 'Apple of Eye' Nation, Israel, here below,
There's 'Blessings,' for all, who Bless Israel;
Those who would 'Curse-it,' are bound for Hell.
Turn your heart to the 'Jew,' that paid the Price,
To Redeem mankind, Book of Hosea, will suffice,
You'll see the Love, God has for mankind,
Repent, and Bless Israel, the best Deal, you'll find.
- -- Posted by Navyblue on Wed, Apr 15, 2015, at 12:57 PM
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